Thursday, November 15, 2012


A few Turkey Trot reminders: 

Children should wear clothing that will allow them to participate safely in the Turkey Trot.  Sneakers and appropriate outdoor clothing are necessary.  Parents, please park in lined parking spaces only.  If you can’t find a space at Fawn Hollow, then please park in the lot at Chalk Hill.  All volunteers should meet Mr. Troesser in the APR at 9:15.  He will distribute maps and assignments at that time.  All Turkey Trot spectators and “trotters” should assemble on the front lawn at 9:30.  Non-perishable items for the Holiday Food Drive may be placed in the collection boxes near the front entrance.

Premier Portraits will be at Fawn Hollow on Friday, November 30, for picture re-takes.   If your child has already had their picture taken and you would like them taken again, please send the entire portrait package back to school on November 30.

Report cards will be sent home with students on Wednesday, November 21st.  Wednesday is also an early dismissal day for all Monroe Public Schools.  Fawn Hollow students will be dismissed at 1:35.

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