Thursday, November 21, 2013

Turkey Trot T-Shirts

As you know the Turkey Trot shirts are being distributed this week. Our school is going to be full of spirit, since we have sold almost 300 shirts! If you have already received your Turkey Trot shirt(s), please check your order to make sure it is correct - size, short sleeve vs. long sleeve and quantity of shirts. If there is an error, please return by TOMORROW (1) your order form with the error noted and (2) any incorrect shirts, so we can make corrections. Any remaining shirts will begin to be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis on Monday, beginning with the orders we received earlier this week.

Thank you! Gobble. Gobble.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Children's Book Festival

The Pequot Library, 720 Pequot Avenue in Southport, CT 06890, is having a Children’s Book Festival this Saturday, November 9 from 11 to 4pm. There will be 14 authors/illustrators giving demonstrations and signing books. Below is the link if you would like more information.

Happy Halloween

Wanted to share this class picture of everybody in their costumes.  We all had a lot of fun and we got to do the school parade before the rain came!!  Thanks Mrs. Antolini for the pic.!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

UNICEF Benefit at Jones Pumpkin Patch

Jones Pumpkin Patch is having a Children's UNICEF Benefit this weekend on Saturday and Sunday from 10-4pm.  Fawn Hollow's Art Teacher, Mrs. Scarpati, will also be there to carve pumpkins as part of a demonstration they have planned for visitors.

This is a children's event to benefit UNICEF with face-painting stations, tattoos, a pumpkin sculptor and Mrs. Scarpati! 

Sounds like a fun time....  Mark your calendars!


Friday, October 18, 2013

Laps for Learning

Reminder: Our Laps for Learning Walk-A-Thon kicks off on Monday! Students will be participating during their physical education class time over the course of the week. Students are invited to wear their team color on the day they walk (Farias = GREEN). Pledge sheets can be returned on the day that your student is scheduled to walk. Please use the following link to access information regarding walk times and team colors.

We are also still accepting volunteers to help us count the laps as the students walk and cheer them on in their efforts. Volunteers are welcome for any of the classes, but we have a particular need in the following classes:

Farias, Room 10 - Monday, 10/21, 9:45-10:15

Carter, Room 4 - Monday, 10/21, 10:15-10:45

Haughton, Room 34 - Monday, 10/21, 12:30-1:00

Fracassini, Room 35 - Monday, 10/21, 1:15-1:45

Mysogland, Room 31 - Tuesday, 10/22, 2:45-3:15

If you are interested in volunteering for these or any of the classes, please contact Tanya Lennon ( or Kelly Tsichlas ( to be added to the volunteer schedule.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Writing Realistic Fiction

Students have been busy working on their first piece of writing for publication - Realistic Fiction.  Each morning, students write in their Writer's Notebook.  These short pieces become seeds - ideas for a formal and complete published piece of writing.  Students were taught to take those seeds and turn them into fiction.  Even if they wrote about themselves doing something over the weekend, the idea can be similar but the characters and/or the setting can change.  Students learned that authors often write about their personal experiences and what they know but change the characters and setting t
o make it a "new" story rather than a piece of writing on an "old" event.

Students have chosen which seed they would like to continue to work on and develop.  We've talked about the importance of setting and describing it for the reader.  We also have been working on creating believable characters who might have struggles and motivations.

The hardest part for students is the idea that writing can change - writing can have multiple drafts.  Students are learning and practicing what good authors do every day and for many of them it has been an eye-opening experience.  Ask your child about their characters and the story they are developing around them.  It will be wonderful seeing all their hard work in their final completed piece of writing.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Text Said

These are the three magic words that I teach students to use when responding to open-ended questions in reading.  The three words - The Text Said - forces students to prove their answer by using evidence from the text.  This also shows if the person responding to the question fully read the text and understood what they read.  The only way to prove one has understood what they read is by responding orally or in written form and by using evidence from the text.  By using the three magic words, it helps students to focus their answers and is a reminder to use information from the text to show understanding.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

PTO Meeting - Tonight

The first PTO meeting of the new school year is tonight!  Hope you can come to hear about all the exciting things the PTO has planned for this year. Participating in our PTO is a great opportunity to be involved in our Fawn Hollow community while having fun and meeting other families.  The meeting will begin this evening in the teachers' lounge at 7 pm with a meet and greet with Mrs. Kosisko followed by the general meeting at 7:30 pm. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Open House - tomorrow, September 12 starting at 7pm in the All Purpose Room.  If for some reason you can not make it to the Open House - not to worry.  I will send all the hand-outs home with your child on Friday.  Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

TODAY is the last day to order books from Scholastic Book Club.  To the right of this post, click on the Scholastic Book Club link to enter your order.  If it's your first time ordering online, you will need the class activation code which is: GW9ZN.

Hope to see you all tomorrow - think cooler weather!!  Today was tough! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Scholastic Book Club

Scholastic flyers went home today with a letter explaining how you can place your order.  Orders may be placed online at or you may return the order form with a check.  Please make checks payable to Scholastic - No Cash Please.

Students also received their GRL today or Guided Reading Level.  Their level was determined using testing done at the end of third grade.  I have told students that they should read books at their GRL, one level down - which should make for an easier read, or one level up - which should be a bit of a challenge.  A student's GRL will change during the year when other assessments are given.  Students will always know when their GRL changes so that they read appropriate books at their reading level.

The reason I mention this is because every Scholastic flyer will showcase certain books and reading level information.  Some schools use GRL while others use Lexile Level, for example.  Not every book will show a GRL, but the majority of books in the flyer will have that information printed below the book description.  Again, this is a way to make sure you are buying books that your child will be able to read and comprehend with little frustration.

Another great resource to use when selecting books at a store or library is which will allow you to see what GRL a chosen book is.  Bookmark this site!

Enjoy looking through the flyers and shopping.  All orders need to be in by Wednesday, September 11. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Ice Cream Social

The PTO will be holding the annual Ice Cream Social this Friday, Sept. 6 from 6-7:45 pm (rain date: Sept. 20). If you have not sent in your RSVP, it is not too late!  The PTO will be accepting responses and payments through tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 4.  We look forward to seeing you for this Fawn Hollow back to school tradition!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Day 2 - Another Great Day!

The second day of the school year always seems to be more difficult than the first from my experience.  Students seem to let their guard down a bit more and feel a lot more comfortable in their surroundings.  This means students are more talkative with those around them and more carefree - forgetting that we are in a place of learning and high expectations.

Today was GREAT!  Students got right to work with very few reminders, they remembered everything we spoke about yesterday and seemed invested in all that was happening today.  And we did a lot - even considering the high temperatures within the classrooms this afternoon.

  • Daily Oral Language
  • Grammar
  • Fire Drill
  • Discussing Homework
  • Timed Math Facts Tests
  • Reading Poetry
  • Writing
  • Three Strikes!
  • Art, Recess and Lunch
We had a busy day and got a lot done.  I won't list out in the future what we do during the day.  I am writing to explain just how impressed I am with your kids and proud of what we accomplished on the second day of school when I was expecting much less. 

Thank you for sharing your children with me.  Each and every one put a smile on my face at least once today.  They all worked so hard and I just had to let you know.

BTW - Our Open House is scheduled for Thursday, September 12 starting at 7pm in our All- Purpose Room.  Mark your calendars and I look forward to seeing you then.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Welcome Back

Is everyone excited?  I am!!  I've been so busy RELAXING and getting ready for a great new year.  Hope you all had the chance to do the same.

Parents - make sure to come back frequently for classroom happenings and updates.  You can enter your personal email on the right side of the screen to get automatic updates to the classroom blog.  This way, you will always be in the know!  I'll talk more about it at our upcoming Open House.

See you all soon!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Field Day POSTPONED Until June 18

Due to the rainy forecast, Field Day has been postponed until Tuesday, June 18.  Bag lunches may be purchased from the cafeteria on Tuesday, as no regular hot lunch will be served.   Bag lunch options:  Ham & cheese sandwich or turkey & cheese sandwich.  The lunch menu for Wednesday, June 19 will be Coleman all-beef hot dogs on wheat buns.

Our classroom color is BLUE!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Grade 4 Music Concert

Lisa Martinsky - once again created a fantastic video showcasing our fourth graders performing in their music concerts with Mr. Peterson last week.  Click on the link below for a great slideshow and to remember all the hard work your child put forth to make this happen.

A huge Thank You to Mr. Peterson.  He never disappoints!

Thanks for preserving the memories Mrs. Martinsky!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Important Information for Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Voting Day in Monroe

Tomorrow, voting on our town budget will take place in our gymnasium from 6:00am-8:00pm. Our side parking lot will have parking spaces designated for Voter Parking Only. This will limit the number of spaces available for parents who need to pick up their children at the end of the day. We would encourage you to have your child take the bus home tomorrow. Our dismissal procedures for student pick-up will begin tomorrow at 3:20 in the APR. Please use the front door to access the building. Parking in front of the school is not permissible due to bus arrival.

Earth Day

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Fawn Hollow PTO Meeting Reminder

Thursday, April 11th at 7:30 pm, Teacher’s Lounge

Come and hear about the exciting upcoming PTO Family events taking place for the remainder of the school year (i.e. Teacher Appreciation Week, End-of-Year Picnic) and be part of the decision for NEXT year’s PTO Fall activities (Fall Fundraiser, BINGO Night and Spring Book Fair)!

We would love to have your perspectives and thoughts, please consider coming. What a great way to be part of your child’s school community!

To get the latest PTO information, at any time, go to Facebook and “like” our Fawn Hollow PTO page.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Pet Dinosaur

During last week's Book Fair, each grade level had the chance of winning a Dinosaur Egg to hatch in the classroom.

We won!

Here's a picture of our new class pet!

Dinosaur Rocks Assembly

To end our Big Read, students participated in an assembly titled Dinosaur Rocks.  Students got to see casts of various dinosaurs and learn lots of information from the various periods in which dinosaurs roamed the earth.  Below is a link to a video that was made and includes lots of great pictures taken during the two assemblies.  Enjoy it!  A huge thank you to Lisa Martinski for putting it together for us.

Here's to another fantastic Big Read!

Monday, March 25, 2013


With the upcoming School Book Fair during conferences, I've decided not to send home any Scholastic Book Order forms.  This way, Book Fair profits will help the entire school rather than just Room 10!

I will be sending home Order Forms again after the April break!


Project #2

With the success of the last independent project - it's time for another!

On Friday, March 22, students were given a timeline for a book project due April 12.  The timeline is as follows:

  • Start thinking of a book of fiction to read and do the project on.  Use and choose Guided Reading Level to check on the book's level.
  • By Wednesday, March 27, students must bring in the book and/or title for my approval.  I will check on the book's level to make sure that it's the right fit!
  • April 1, I will distribute the project and the requirements to each student.
  • April 12, book projects are due.  Students should be prepared to share a brief oral summary on the book and explain why the book was chosen.
Happy reading!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Important Information

PTO Reminders
Our March School Store will take place tomorrow, March 5, for grades 1-5 during lunch waves.

Family Movie Night is this Friday, March 8, in the APR. Doors open at 6:15 pm with the movie starting at 6:45 pm. Please join us for the fun as we watch Madagascar 3 together!

Mother/Daughter Zumba is coming up! Please send in your RSVPs by this Friday, March 8. The cost is $13 per person.

Congratulations to all our talented students who performed in the Fawn Hollow Follies Variety Show this past weekend! DVDs of the show are now available to order at a cost of $12.50.

All order forms and flyers for upcoming events can be found on our web site at under the Events and Activities tab.

CMT testing begins tomorrow morning for students in grades 3, 4 and 5. Please be reminded that your child should get a good night's rest and eat a healthy breakfast prior to coming to school. It is important that your child arrive to school on time, as they will not be able to enter the classroom once the test has begun.

Big Read
Fawn Hollow's Big Read is underway! Students and staff were excited to share what they have learned about The Enormous Egg over the weekend. Students were asked to answer the following question about chapter 1: What town does Nate Twitchell live in? Don't forget to read chapter 2 tonight!

The Big Read Is....

The Enormous Egg by Oliver Butterworth, first published in 1956 is this year's Big Read!  Visit the following website for more information:

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

From the PTO....

This is a friendly reminder that our next PTO Meeting will be held in the morning on Wednesday, February 13, 2013 beginning at 9:15 am.

Please join us if you can. We would love to see you!

Also, if you cannot attend our meetings, please check out our website at or Like us on Facebook at Fawn Hollow PTO for updates.

Monday, January 28, 2013

A few things....

CMT Morning Tutorial begins tomorrow, January 29 at 7:50am.  If your child was asked to take part in the Reading/Language Arts CMT Tutorial, classes will be held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  If your child was asked to take part in the Math CMT Tutorial, classes will be held on Thurdays and Fridays.

If there is a late start to the day due to weather, CMT Tutorial will also begin late the same number of minutes school is delayed.  For example, if there is a 90 minute delay to the school day, there will be a 90 minute delay to the start of the Tutorial session.  If school is cancelled due to weather, that class will be made-up on a Monday determined by the Grade-Level teachers teaching that session.

Also: Kids for a Cause: A Project from the Heart

Please remember to bring in items for the “We Care” packages sent to soldiers overseas. A list of items is available in the main office –a few are listed here: toiletries, insect repellent, gum, pens, energy bars, sun screen.

A collection box will be in the foyer until Friday, Feb. 1.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Mark Your Calendars...

Our School Store will be open Tuesday, January 8th. Students in grades 1-5 will have the opportunity to purchase items during their lunch wave.

Fawn Hollow’s next PTO meeting will take place on Thursday, January 10th. The pre-meeting speaker will be Superintendant James Agostine. At 7:00, Mr. Agostine will give an update on school security and will address parent questions. We are fortunate to have Mr. Agostine with us to discuss this important topic. It is our hope that you will be able to attend. The general meeting will begin at 7:30.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year

Wishing you and your family all the best in 2013.