Monday, February 27, 2012

The Big Read

Only a few days left! Have you heard about it? Ask you child about it.


Reading - Sharing - Learning

Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy President's Day

We Read! We Discussed!

We conquered!!

The Chocolate Party was a great success - but please don't think your kids didn't work to deserve such a treat. After many read more than one of the assigned "chocolate books" students worked in groups discussing their findings, thoughts and answering each other's questions. Students answered questions regarding the characters in their books and compared and contrasted the books they read.

Thanks to you, we had plenty of goodies to choose from! From chocolate covered strawberries to pudding to chocolate cake, students went home quite satisfied of any chocolate cravings they may have had.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Black History Month

Students have completed their projects and got to share them and the information they learned with the class. I learned many new facts that I didn't know before and I've been doing this project with students for years!

I hope this was a worthwhile activity for your child - a way of learning about the great contributions many African Americans have made for our country. All students have heard of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks, but there are so many others who have changed the way we currently live today.

The projects and just small reminders of the many accomplishments these people have made. Students have enjoyed looking and reading each other's projects during their free time. Thanks for any help you may have offered your child in completing this project.


Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day. Thanks to everyone for making it successful and to the Room Moms for organizing the party. I love my new apron! Everyone got to sign their name and write a few words describing me: funny, generous, smart, sweater guy.......

On Friday, February 17, we will be having our Chocolate Party to end our study of three great books:

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
Chocolate Fever by Robert Kimmel Smith
The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skene Catling

Students have been working hard reading as many of the three books as possible and having "Book Talks" where they sit together to share their thoughts on the books, questions they may have on the book, their impression of the characters, etc.

We are going to have a lot of chocolaty treats on Friday. Thanks again for making this possible!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Mark Your Calendar

Fawn Hollow February PTO Meeting
Tuesday, February 7th at 9:15 a.m. in the APR
Are you looking for answers about your child’s education?
Then you need to be at the PTO meeting on Tuesday morning!
We are very excited to have Monroe’s NEW Superintendent of Education,
Mr. James Agostine, join us.

Immediately following, Deb Gaynor will discuss the topic of “How Families Thrive.” Afterwards the general meeting will proceed.
This is one PTO meeting you will NOT want to miss!

Family Bingo Night will be held at Fawn Hollow on Friday, February 24th.
The PTO is in the process of collecting prizes for the event. If you have something that you would like to donate, please send it to the Fawn Hollow office by February 16th.

Mrs. Kosisko made an announcement to students and staff earlier this week:
Something BIG will be happening at Fawn Hollow next month!
Stay tuned to more clues throughout the month of February.

Kindergarten Orientation will be held Thursday, February 9th from 7-9pm in the Masuk auditorium.
If you are unable to attend this meeting, you will need to pick up a registration packet from your elementary school after February 23rd.