Friday, March 12, 2010

50 State Mail Race

The 50 State Mail Race is underway. Students have already researched school addresses and worked on questions for a questionnaire.

What is this 50 State Mail Race, you ask?

Every year, students write to third grade classrooms in all 50 states asking them to partake in the mail race by completing the included questionnaire and mailing it back as soon as possible. The questionnaire asks third graders questions regarding their school and grade 3 experience. We then plot the information here in class. This year we hope to Skype with a volunteering class somewhere in the U.S.

A letter will soon be sent home explaining the race and asking for postage stamps. Be on the look-out for that.

Stay tuned for more 50 State Mail Race entries to keep-up on how we are doing!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


We just finished the latest read-aloud titled, Cornelia and the Audacious Escapades of the Somerset Sisters by Lesley M. Blume. When I was done, they clapped! Many commented on how much they enjoyed the book. So I started thinking and decided to post a poll for students to vote on their favorite read-aloud this school year.

A read-aloud is a book that I read aloud to them while they are eating their snack.

I've read some good ones! It will be a hard decision. Only vote once!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

First CMT Test Done.....

6 more to go!

Today's test - writing prompt - went very well. Students were excited to write and many commented on how well they thought they did when it was over. It was a fun topic - ask your child about it.

Remember to tell your child the importance of doing their best, have them get some well-deserved rest and make sure they eat a good, healthy breakfast that will get them going in the morning!

Chocolate Party Was A Success!

Huge thanks to all of you who provided treats for our first-ever chocolate party. The smell in the room was to die for! Now, students know what Charlie Bucket went through each day - walking past Wonka's factory and smelling that delicious chocolate smell and not being able to eat any of it.

Everyone waited patiently while adults prepped. There was so much to choose from. There were cupcakes, brownies, Oreo pie, chocolate mousse, chocolate pudding, chocolate milk, fudge, truffles and even chocolate covered bacon!

On the Smart Board, we voted for our favorite chocolate bar, we guessed different chocolates and watched how chocolate is made and molded into different treats for various holidays.

Everyone had fun and it was a great way to spend the afternoon before the start of the CMT grind. Thanks again to all who made it a success!!