Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween Info....

Halloween at Fawn Hollow:


Students participating in the Halloween parade should carry their costumes to school in a bag. Costumes are not to be worn to school. Students need to be able to put their costumes on by themselves. They will also need to take their costume off prior to boarding their bus home. We kindly ask that students refrain from wearing hair paint, face paint, and/or scary costumes or masks. Also note that anything construed as a weapon will not be allowed.


Our Halloween parade will begin at approximately 2:45. Parents are asked to remain outside where they may find a viewing spot on the back field or along the parade route. The parade lines will exit the building’s front doors where students will march around the building and across the back field before reentering through the front doors. Please keep the front sidewalks clear for our marchers.


Please send a note to school if you plan to pick up your child after the Halloween parade. Once the parade begins, we ask that parents not reenter the building to sign out their children out in the office. Our dismissal procedures will begin immediately following the conclusion of the parade. All students being picked up will be dismissed from the gym. Parents are asked to wait outside the gym doors at the conclusion of the parade, and staff members will call students to the gym for dismissal.

Please know that there is an alternate activity for students who would prefer not to participate in the Halloween activities. Contact the office if you would like your child to participate in this alternate activity.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Math - Module 2

Today we started our next math module - Module 2/Unit Conversions and Problem Solving with Metric Measurement.  Today, we also received some information you at home may find helpful.  Common Core, Inc., the creators of the NY math modules (which they market under the name Eureka Math) have started posting documents that support parents with the some of the new instructional strategies in each grade level. You can find them here:

If you click on the above link and scroll down to Grade 4, you will find PDF files which you can open for Modules 1-5.  Hope you can find these helpful!

Friday, October 3, 2014

What We're Doing....

It's October already!!  I love the fall temperatures, the vibrant colors on trees as I drive to and from work and anything pumpkin.

We've been working hard in Room 10.  Now that students have learned the routines and understand what is expected, we continue to chug along while having some laughs and fun along the way.

In Grammar, we've been discussing types of sentences, run-on sentences, subject/predicate, and we continue to learn about parts of speech and how to punctuate sentences correctly.

In Writing, we are nearing the end of our first unit on writing
Realistic Fiction.  Students are currently taking the parts of their story they have been working so hard on and piecing them together.  It will be nice to see just how much they have grown since their first On-Demand writing assignment back in August.

In Spelling, we continue to work on our weekly spelling lists.  Students know to use to practice words assigned for the week as well as past words.  Since I test students using dictated sentences, this truly shows whether or not students have acquired the spelling of these words.

In Reading, students are reading their leveled books as well as assigned stories and thinking about theme - the message, lesson or moral of the story.  Students are also being asked to answer questions about what they have read and support their answers with information from the story.  I have taught them the three magic words: the text says.....  This forces students to go back into the text and write what the text says to support their answer or claim.

In Math, we continue with Module 1: Place Value, Rounding, and the algorithms for Addition and Subtraction.  Students just took the Mid Module Assessment, which will be corrected and sent home soon.  Please have your child continue to practice their facts.

In Social Studies, we have started reviewing the parts of a map and discussing the Northeast Region of the United States.  While studying the US regions, we will also learn about the Native Americans native to the region.

In Science, your child continues to work with Mrs. Herman.  They love the lizards!!  Ask them what they have worked on to date!

Students are also loving the new Book Club selection - Wonder by R. J. Palacio.  Ask your child what it means to Choose Kind and about the exercise we did in the room with the crumpled piece of paper that is now hanging on our classroom timeline.

As you can see, your child is kept busy while here at Fawn Hollow.  My hope is that you see your child becoming more independent and excited when talking about our daily happenings.

Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Spelling City

Spelling City, an online website designed to help students practice and learn their weekly spelling words is a great resource!  However, I've heard that some students have been having a difficult time getting to my class page.  Below you will find the complete web address.  Please bookmark it so your child can have easy access to it whenever they choose to practice and have some fun practicing spelling.
