Monday, April 22, 2013

Important Information for Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Voting Day in Monroe

Tomorrow, voting on our town budget will take place in our gymnasium from 6:00am-8:00pm. Our side parking lot will have parking spaces designated for Voter Parking Only. This will limit the number of spaces available for parents who need to pick up their children at the end of the day. We would encourage you to have your child take the bus home tomorrow. Our dismissal procedures for student pick-up will begin tomorrow at 3:20 in the APR. Please use the front door to access the building. Parking in front of the school is not permissible due to bus arrival.

Earth Day

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Fawn Hollow PTO Meeting Reminder

Thursday, April 11th at 7:30 pm, Teacher’s Lounge

Come and hear about the exciting upcoming PTO Family events taking place for the remainder of the school year (i.e. Teacher Appreciation Week, End-of-Year Picnic) and be part of the decision for NEXT year’s PTO Fall activities (Fall Fundraiser, BINGO Night and Spring Book Fair)!

We would love to have your perspectives and thoughts, please consider coming. What a great way to be part of your child’s school community!

To get the latest PTO information, at any time, go to Facebook and “like” our Fawn Hollow PTO page.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Pet Dinosaur

During last week's Book Fair, each grade level had the chance of winning a Dinosaur Egg to hatch in the classroom.

We won!

Here's a picture of our new class pet!

Dinosaur Rocks Assembly

To end our Big Read, students participated in an assembly titled Dinosaur Rocks.  Students got to see casts of various dinosaurs and learn lots of information from the various periods in which dinosaurs roamed the earth.  Below is a link to a video that was made and includes lots of great pictures taken during the two assemblies.  Enjoy it!  A huge thank you to Lisa Martinski for putting it together for us.

Here's to another fantastic Big Read!