Monday, February 7, 2011

So B. It by Sarah Weeks


I just love this book and I know that many of the kids loved it too. They would beg me each day to keep reading. This is a powerful book and I am so glad I got to share this book with them. Below is some information about it. Ask your child what they liked best about it.

So B. It
Available in hardcover and paperback from HarperCollins, and in a paper over board edition from Scholastic.

Winner of the 2004 Parents Gold Choice Award

LA Times bestseller

Winner of the Rebecca Caudill Award

Winner of the William Allen White Award

Although she lives an unconventional lifestyle with her mentally disabled mother and their doting neighbor, Bernadette, Heidi has a lucky streak that has a way of pointing her in the right direction. When a mysterious word in her mother’s vocabulary begins to haunt her, Heidi’s thirst for the truth leads her on a cross country journey in search of the secrets of her past.

"A remarkable novel.”-New York Times Book Review.