The tree branches with the children's picture cubes looks great. We have gotten a lot of compliments on it. It is also a fun way for students to see each other's families and pictures of a family's holiday traditions. Thanks for your part in creating the cube and adding to our classroom decor!
We also have been working on goals for the new year. Children made a list of their goals, printed a few of them on different sized colored circles and I've hung them on our board in the shape of the numbers 2012. It's a nice reminder of the coming year and the things we would like to accomplish after January 1.
In writing, we have been working on adding details using our five senses. Students partnered with each other on a story about Sam, a dog who follows your child to school and ends up in art class. Could you imagine the chaos? Students did a great job using their senses to extend the moment and add detail to their writing. We will be using the same premise with Ansel Adams photographs and creating a display for the school's showcase in the foyer. Make sure to check it out!
Enjoy your weekend!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
A few things...
It was great seeing so many of you at conferences. I hope you learned more about your child's day and saw just how hard they work while here in school. They have accomplished a lot during these past few months and have much more to do!
The PTO has extended the deadline to reserve seats at this year’s Holiday Breakfast - no later than Tuesday, December 6! Seating is limited!
Also on December 6 – The PTO School Store will be open during recess waves. School supplies and an assortment of holiday items will be available for purchase.
The PTO has extended the deadline to reserve seats at this year’s Holiday Breakfast - no later than Tuesday, December 6! Seating is limited!
Also on December 6 – The PTO School Store will be open during recess waves. School supplies and an assortment of holiday items will be available for purchase.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Gracias - The Thanksgiving Turkey

Tired of this picture?
In Gracias The Thanksgiving Turkey, Joy Cowley puts a spin on a holiday story that will engage children who have had it up to here with pilgrims!
This brightly colored children's tale follows the story of Miguel, a young Puerto Rican boy living in New York City. Miguel is thrilled to receive a present from his father, a truck driver who spends his days on the road.
"Fatten this turkey for Thanksgiving," the note from Miguel's father reads. "I’ll be home to share it with you. Love from Papá."
Conflict ensues when Miguel befriends Gracias the turkey, whom he then hesitates to eat. Problems range from where the turkey will sleep in a tiny New York apartment, to whether or not the turkey can come to Mass. I won't spoil the ending, but kids will love Miguel's struggle over Gracias -- as well as his reunion with his father.
Gracias is characterized by bright pictures and colors, and a multi-cultural dimension makes this story unique in a way that is missing from many more traditional Thanksgiving stories.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Going home today....
For those parents who pre-ordered the Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Cabin Fever by Jeff Kinney, copies were delivered to the school today and are going home with your child!
Conference appointments (date/time) are being sent home today. Please look for your appointment time in your child's Take Home Folder. Mark your calendars and please make sure to be on time to not interfere with other appointments.
Grade 4 students are taking the DRP test tomorrow. Your child will have the pretest in their folder. Review it with your child. Please make sure they have eaten a good breakfast and are well rested for this, rather lengthy, assessment.
Conference appointments (date/time) are being sent home today. Please look for your appointment time in your child's Take Home Folder. Mark your calendars and please make sure to be on time to not interfere with other appointments.
Grade 4 students are taking the DRP test tomorrow. Your child will have the pretest in their folder. Review it with your child. Please make sure they have eaten a good breakfast and are well rested for this, rather lengthy, assessment.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Happy Veterans Day
Monday, November 7, 2011
A few reminders.....

It was nice to get back into the swing of things. Routine is good!!
Just a few important reminders:
If you you haven't returned the conference preference form, please do so by tomorrow. Teachers are setting appointments tomorrow afternoon and by providing your preferences it makes it easier to schedule a conference time. Changing a time later is difficult. If you lost the form, just send in a note noting your prefered days in 1-3 order. Conferences are scheduled for the evening of Tuesday, November 29 beginning at 5:30, the afternoon of Wednesday, November 30 starting at 1:35 and the evening of Thursday, December 1 starting, again, at 5:30pm. Your scheduled appointment date and time will go home on November 15.
Thanks to all the families who participated in the UNICEF collection! If you still have a UNICEF collection box at home, please return it to school so we can submit the donation.
Last day to order from Scholastic for the month of November is Wednesday, November 9.
A food drive to benefit the Monroe Food Pantry is currently underway at Fawn Hollow School. Students are creating posters and morning announcements promoting this very worthwhile activity. Food will be collected until November 18. Thanks to all of the parents, students and staff for their support!
The Innisbrook orders have arrived! You may pick up your order from the stage on the following dates:
Tuesday-3:30-4:00 and 5:30-7:00
Wednesday-3:30-4 and 5:30-7:00
Thursday-3:30-4:00 and 5:30 - 7:00
Friday-8:00-9:00 am and 3:30-4:00
Our next PTO meeting will be held on Thursday, November 10 in the staff lounge. All are welcome!
Fawn Hollow School will observe Veteran’s Day on November 11. Our day will begin on the front lawn with Morning Exercises and a presentation by fifth graders about the significance of Veteran’s Day.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Don't Forget!
It's time to turn in your Entertainment Book orders! All orders and unsold books need to be returned to school no later than Friday, October 28th. Prizes will be awarded during lunch waves on Friday.
Friday, October 21, 2011
A few things....

In your child's backpack this week, you may have found the following:
Halloween parade information
Unicef boxes
Pay special attention to the Halloween Parade letter as it has guidelines that must be followed for the safety and well-being of the students.
For the party, only Room Representatives, selected In-Room Helpers and the Yearbook Class Photographer will be invited inside the classroom. All others may come to enjoy the parade, weather permitting, outside at 2:45pm. Dismissal will occur immediately following the parade from the classroom.
On another note, now that we have established our dismissal routine, the office will be calling students to the gymnasium for pickup at 3:30. Doors will open for parents between 3:20 and 3:25. Our first bus wave will be called at the close of our day, 3:35.
Entertainment Book orders will be accepted through October 28th.
Thanks again for your support!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Take Home Books

Hope you and your child are enjoying the Take Home Books that are coming home each week. Just a reminder that the new book given at the start of the week MUST be kept in the child's Take-Home Folder for the week. Homework assignments will involve the book throughout the week.
Once a new book is given, old Take Home books may be taken out of the folder. I would keep them in a container - shoe box, for example - and have your child read them for 20/20 Reading.
The homework assignments are meant to review concepts being taught during reading, language arts and writing. Take a minute to review your child's answers and familiarize yourself with what is being taught/discussed in class. I'm sure you will be impressed with that your child is doing.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Learning the Facts
Some of you may have been surprised by the recent letter that came home with your child's scores for addition, subtraction and multiplication math facts. The letter was not intended to shock as it was to bring to your attention the need to learn basic math facts at home. Because we are covering other concepts and skills, we do not have the time here in class to review facts. As much as I would love to play our "3 Strikes" game with you children every day, time does not allow for it.
These recent tests will serve as a baseline. The goal is to see growth throughout the year as these same tests will be given three more times.
Our ETC site has lots of great math games that students can use to practice math facts and fluency. I mentioned this at Open House earlier in the year. By going to students may then click on "Students" and then on "Elementary Technology Center" or ETC. There, they may select their grade level and access different sites picked by our staff to review various areas in our curriculum - math facts being one of them. Students enjoy playing the games while learning at the same time.
Again, by sending the scores home, it was a way to reiterate the importance of reviewing math facts at home. I am positive that scores will climb as students practice and become more comfortable. Practicing will also improve other areas in math as students will feel more confident!
These recent tests will serve as a baseline. The goal is to see growth throughout the year as these same tests will be given three more times.
Our ETC site has lots of great math games that students can use to practice math facts and fluency. I mentioned this at Open House earlier in the year. By going to students may then click on "Students" and then on "Elementary Technology Center" or ETC. There, they may select their grade level and access different sites picked by our staff to review various areas in our curriculum - math facts being one of them. Students enjoy playing the games while learning at the same time.
Again, by sending the scores home, it was a way to reiterate the importance of reviewing math facts at home. I am positive that scores will climb as students practice and become more comfortable. Practicing will also improve other areas in math as students will feel more confident!
Scholastic Books - Last day to order.....
Last day to order books from Scholastic for this month is tomorrow, October 19. You may order using the order form that was sent home or online at Our class activation code is GW9ZN.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

In September, all Grade 4 students were assessed in different areas of reading. Students took five short assessments over five days testing them on 12 different reading strategies including recalling facts and details, understanding sequence, making predictions and identifying author’s purpose. Teachers then graded each assessment to see which reading strategies students were weakest in.
The Grade 4 team then got together to divide all students into appropriate FLEX or WYNN groups. Every day after recess, from 1:30 to 2pm, Grade 4 students switch for FLEX or WYNN time. FLEX, which was what the time was originally called, is a flexible time where students work in small groups with a teacher on something academic they may be struggling or having difficulty with. Groups are led by many teachers within the building. Your child may be working with a Grade 4 teacher, Reading Teacher, Special Education Teacher or Permanent Substitute Teacher. The more adults we have working with the children, the smaller the groups are which means more direct attention and guidance can be given. Now we call it WYNN time, which stands for What You Need Now.
Since reading is so important, as you need to be able to read and understand what you read to succeed in other academic areas, we always start our FLEX or WYNN groups using reading data and reviewing strategies students need more help with. Once students have rotated among the groups reviewing all weak areas, students are then put into an enrichment group where they will do activities using a certain novel. Again, this will be directed by a teacher in the building – not necessarily a fourth grade teacher.
Grade 4 teachers have decided to strengthen weak reading strategies during WYNN time on Mondays thought Thursdays. On Friday, teachers plan on using the WYNN time to address needs in Math.
Later in the year, if all reading needs are met, we might use the time to address needs in writing or social studies. The idea is to use the time, given data that we regularly collect, to address needs of students across the grade level.
Please Help!

With the start of a new school year comes many new changes and guidelines as each of your child's teachers will have different expectations. Considering the messy start to this school year – with weather related issues and the death of my father, I am very pleased with how your child has adjusted to fourth grade.
While I was away, however, my substitute collected most 20/20 Reading logs and in reviewing them, I must say that I was disappointed. The 20/20 Reading log is not an optional assignment. As you can see, your child should be writing 20/20 in their homework log each night as a reminder. Students are required to read 20 minutes a night for only 20 nights during the month. That reading must be logged on the 20/20 Reading Log. I do count this as a homework assignment. I expect each and every child to return a completed log at the end of each month.
If you can not sign-off each day, then please write a note on the log or on a separate piece of paper stating that your child did read for 20 minutes for at least 20 days during the month.
If your child reads more than 20 minutes – please note that. If your child reads less, make up the time another night. It doesn't have to be exact, but it is my hope that you will help me in making sure that your child does read. This log is the only way of noting whether or not your child is practicing his/her reading. The more he/she practices their reading, the more fluent they will be. Reading also builds vocabulary and helps students to become better writers as students mimic their favorite authors when writing.
On another note, Take Home Books will be coming home starting this week. A “Take Home Book” is a paper book which I copy for each child here at school. Your child will have homework each night with regards to that Take Home Book that reviews skills being taught in class. It is important that your child keep the book in his/her Take Home Folder each day for use during the week. Each child will receive a new book at the start of each week. On Friday night, children should remove the Take Home Book from their folder. I would keep the books in a shoebox or another container at home for extra reading practice at home. Reading these Take Home Books at home is a great way to complete the 20/20 Reading assignment.
I thank you in advance for your help and support. Together we will help make your child better readers and enjoy literature.
Friday, October 7, 2011
I just wanted to quickly thank each and every one of you for your kind words and thoughts during this difficult time. My family is doing well and we take comfort in knowing that we have many people holding us up and keeping us in thoughts and prayers. I have been overwhelmed with the support and positivity I have received. Again, I thank you.
I was a bit nervous today – almost like the first day of school again! However, your children welcomed me back with open arms. Just like riding a bike, we easily got back into the swing of things.
For those who ordered from Scholastic, rest assured that it was the first thing I took care of this morning before students even entered the room. All September orders have been placed online and I should receive books sometime next week. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Enjoy your weekend!
I was a bit nervous today – almost like the first day of school again! However, your children welcomed me back with open arms. Just like riding a bike, we easily got back into the swing of things.
For those who ordered from Scholastic, rest assured that it was the first thing I took care of this morning before students even entered the room. All September orders have been placed online and I should receive books sometime next week. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Enjoy your weekend!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Just a few reminders...
Just a few reminders for you....
In Spelling, we have begun Unit 2. Spelling City has been updated with the list. It is a great resource to help practice the week's words as well as past week's words for the spelling test on Friday.
The Math pretest or Checkup is being sent home today. The test for Topic 1 is tomorrow. Students should be able to do the work independently. However, they have been told that if they have any issues, they should let me know while we are correcting the assignment together so that all questions are answered before the test.
Last day to order Scholastic Books for September is on the 28th. If you haven't gotten your order in, please do so ASAP.
We are reading Stone Fox during reading. Ask your child about it. Students are enjoying this book and sharing their connections.
In Spelling, we have begun Unit 2. Spelling City has been updated with the list. It is a great resource to help practice the week's words as well as past week's words for the spelling test on Friday.
The Math pretest or Checkup is being sent home today. The test for Topic 1 is tomorrow. Students should be able to do the work independently. However, they have been told that if they have any issues, they should let me know while we are correcting the assignment together so that all questions are answered before the test.
Last day to order Scholastic Books for September is on the 28th. If you haven't gotten your order in, please do so ASAP.
We are reading Stone Fox during reading. Ask your child about it. Students are enjoying this book and sharing their connections.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011 is a great resource to use at home to help review and teach the week's spelling words. Students can also practice past week's words by playing fun games. This will also help your child in becoming an independent, lifelong learner.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Scholastic Book Club

Going home today are two order forms from Scholastic Books. I have also included a letter from me explaining how you can order books online at and using the Class Activation Code: GW9ZN.
When you go to the site above, click on the "Register" button in the "First Time Here?" section. Register for your own user name and password and when prompted, enter the one-time Class Activation Code shown above. This unique code ensures that your order is sent to me.
You can choose from thousands of books - many more than in the monthly flyers. Books will be distributed in the classroom. Best of all, we earn a FREE book for the classroom library every time a parent places an online order.
You may still send your order in with you child - make sure all checks are made payable to Scholastic. However, ordering online is fast, easy and secure.
Last day to order for the month of September is Wednesday, the 28th.
Great first week!
We had a great first week of school! Considering the events that led to the first day/week of school, students did a great job. I am very proud of them.
Open House/Back to School Night - Thursday, September 15 at 7pm. Please make every effort to come and learn about your child's day and his/her fourth grade year. I'm looking forward to meeting you then.
Open House/Back to School Night - Thursday, September 15 at 7pm. Please make every effort to come and learn about your child's day and his/her fourth grade year. I'm looking forward to meeting you then.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Who would of thought......

Who would have thought that we would be delayed an entire week! This storm made a mess of things. Rest assured that the first day of school, however, went very well. Students seemed to enjoy the day and they recieved quite a few compliments.
They are coming home with a lot of forms and paper-work to be completed and returned to school. Please make sure to review the Take-Home Folder with your child each night and return any forms as soon as possible.
Our Back to School Night/Open House will be next Thursday, September 15. I will get back to you with a time.
Again - we had a great first day! Looking forward to all the rest!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Back to School

Another year is about to begin - can you believe it? This summer went so fast. I am looking forward to another fun and productive year and I hope you are too.
As you can see, I do a good job keeping up with this Blog at the start of the school year. Then the CMT crunch - which happens around February - and my brain turns to mush! I forget all about updating the Blog. My goal this year is to try and be more consistent! This is a great way of seeing what is happening in the classroom and grade level and by not updating the Blog regularly it is a disservice to you. So, I will try my best to come back more often and let you in on the happenings of Room 10!
Again, I look forward to a great year. I hope to see you on Tuesday, August 30 - however, the storm predictions are not looking good. If we have no power, I'm assuming we will have no school. Stay tuned!
I will let you know about our Open House as soon as I get more information. Looks like September 15 is my turn to meet with you. Mark your calendars.
Until then - enjoy these last few days. Stay safe should the storm hit. See you soon.
Monday, February 7, 2011
So B. It by Sarah Weeks

I just love this book and I know that many of the kids loved it too. They would beg me each day to keep reading. This is a powerful book and I am so glad I got to share this book with them. Below is some information about it. Ask your child what they liked best about it.
So B. It
Available in hardcover and paperback from HarperCollins, and in a paper over board edition from Scholastic.
Winner of the 2004 Parents Gold Choice Award
LA Times bestseller
Winner of the Rebecca Caudill Award
Winner of the William Allen White Award
Although she lives an unconventional lifestyle with her mentally disabled mother and their doting neighbor, Bernadette, Heidi has a lucky streak that has a way of pointing her in the right direction. When a mysterious word in her mother’s vocabulary begins to haunt her, Heidi’s thirst for the truth leads her on a cross country journey in search of the secrets of her past.
"A remarkable novel.”-New York Times Book Review.
Monday, January 31, 2011
February Recess in Cancelled

Due to the extended period of severe winter storms, our schools will be in session on Tuesday, February 22 through Friday, February 25.
Understanding that some families will make the personal decision to continue with their vacation plans, the district will work with these students to make-up work that is missed.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Inclement Weather Schedules - effective January 26, 2011
Inclement Weather Delayed Opening - Schedule A (90 Minute Delay)Fawn Hollow - 10:25am-3:30pm
AM Kindergarten - 10:25am-12:55pm
PM Kindergarten - 1:00pm-3:30pm
Inclement Weather Delayed Opening - Schedule B (2.5 Hour Delay)Fawn Hollow - 11:25am-3:30pm
AM Kindergarten - CANCELLED
PM Kindergarten - 11:25am-3:30pm
Inclement Weather Early Dismissal - Schedule C (Dismissed 2 Hours Early)Fawn Hollow - 8:55am-1:30pm
AM Kindergarten - 8:55am-11:10am
PM Kindergarten - CANCELLED
Inclement Weather Early Dismissal - Schedule D (Dismissed 4 Hours Early)Fawn Hollow - 8:55am-11:40am
AM Kindergarten - 8:55am-11:40am
PM Kindergarten - CANCELLED
Lunch will be served to students in grades 1 – 5 on schedules A, B & C.
AM Kindergarten - 10:25am-12:55pm
PM Kindergarten - 1:00pm-3:30pm
Inclement Weather Delayed Opening - Schedule B (2.5 Hour Delay)Fawn Hollow - 11:25am-3:30pm
AM Kindergarten - CANCELLED
PM Kindergarten - 11:25am-3:30pm
Inclement Weather Early Dismissal - Schedule C (Dismissed 2 Hours Early)Fawn Hollow - 8:55am-1:30pm
AM Kindergarten - 8:55am-11:10am
PM Kindergarten - CANCELLED
Inclement Weather Early Dismissal - Schedule D (Dismissed 4 Hours Early)Fawn Hollow - 8:55am-11:40am
AM Kindergarten - 8:55am-11:40am
PM Kindergarten - CANCELLED
Lunch will be served to students in grades 1 – 5 on schedules A, B & C.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Where will we put the snow?
With the weather being such a dilemma, the district is creating different schedules. For example, we have our Early Dismissal times due to weather issues, but now we will have an Early-Early Dismissal procedure so that students are home before our current 1:30 Early Dismissal time.
Confused? No kidding! The idea is to get the students in so that the day can count but get them home safely before the weather becomes an issue for buses.
The district is also working on another Delayed Opening schedule. Currently, we have a 90 minute delay. However, what happens when a bit more time is needed? When I was a kid in Danbury, we could have had a One Hour Delay or a Two Hour Delay. Most districts have a 90 Minute Delay in place but another schedule with a later start time would help to clear and prep streets while allowing us to count the day.
You have to remember - our buildings are not air-conditioned. To work in a room with 20-some-odd children in the June heat is not very productive. At the same time, safety is always our priority and the district will do everything in its power to get the children here safely while trying to provide continuity to their learning.
As soon as I have those schedules - I will post them here!
Confused? No kidding! The idea is to get the students in so that the day can count but get them home safely before the weather becomes an issue for buses.
The district is also working on another Delayed Opening schedule. Currently, we have a 90 minute delay. However, what happens when a bit more time is needed? When I was a kid in Danbury, we could have had a One Hour Delay or a Two Hour Delay. Most districts have a 90 Minute Delay in place but another schedule with a later start time would help to clear and prep streets while allowing us to count the day.
You have to remember - our buildings are not air-conditioned. To work in a room with 20-some-odd children in the June heat is not very productive. At the same time, safety is always our priority and the district will do everything in its power to get the children here safely while trying to provide continuity to their learning.
As soon as I have those schedules - I will post them here!
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