It was nice to get back into the swing of things. Routine is good!!
Just a few important reminders:
If you you haven't returned the conference preference form, please do so by tomorrow. Teachers are setting appointments tomorrow afternoon and by providing your preferences it makes it easier to schedule a conference time. Changing a time later is difficult. If you lost the form, just send in a note noting your prefered days in 1-3 order. Conferences are scheduled for the evening of Tuesday, November 29 beginning at 5:30, the afternoon of Wednesday, November 30 starting at 1:35 and the evening of Thursday, December 1 starting, again, at 5:30pm. Your scheduled appointment date and time will go home on November 15.
Thanks to all the families who participated in the UNICEF collection! If you still have a UNICEF collection box at home, please return it to school so we can submit the donation.
Last day to order from Scholastic for the month of November is Wednesday, November 9.
A food drive to benefit the Monroe Food Pantry is currently underway at Fawn Hollow School. Students are creating posters and morning announcements promoting this very worthwhile activity. Food will be collected until November 18. Thanks to all of the parents, students and staff for their support!
The Innisbrook orders have arrived! You may pick up your order from the stage on the following dates:
Tuesday-3:30-4:00 and 5:30-7:00
Wednesday-3:30-4 and 5:30-7:00
Thursday-3:30-4:00 and 5:30 - 7:00
Friday-8:00-9:00 am and 3:30-4:00
Our next PTO meeting will be held on Thursday, November 10 in the staff lounge. All are welcome!
Fawn Hollow School will observe Veteran’s Day on November 11. Our day will begin on the front lawn with Morning Exercises and a presentation by fifth graders about the significance of Veteran’s Day.
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