With the start of a new school year comes many new changes and guidelines as each of your child's teachers will have different expectations. Considering the messy start to this school year – with weather related issues and the death of my father, I am very pleased with how your child has adjusted to fourth grade.
While I was away, however, my substitute collected most 20/20 Reading logs and in reviewing them, I must say that I was disappointed. The 20/20 Reading log is not an optional assignment. As you can see, your child should be writing 20/20 in their homework log each night as a reminder. Students are required to read 20 minutes a night for only 20 nights during the month. That reading must be logged on the 20/20 Reading Log. I do count this as a homework assignment. I expect each and every child to return a completed log at the end of each month.
If you can not sign-off each day, then please write a note on the log or on a separate piece of paper stating that your child did read for 20 minutes for at least 20 days during the month.
If your child reads more than 20 minutes – please note that. If your child reads less, make up the time another night. It doesn't have to be exact, but it is my hope that you will help me in making sure that your child does read. This log is the only way of noting whether or not your child is practicing his/her reading. The more he/she practices their reading, the more fluent they will be. Reading also builds vocabulary and helps students to become better writers as students mimic their favorite authors when writing.
On another note, Take Home Books will be coming home starting this week. A “Take Home Book” is a paper book which I copy for each child here at school. Your child will have homework each night with regards to that Take Home Book that reviews skills being taught in class. It is important that your child keep the book in his/her Take Home Folder each day for use during the week. Each child will receive a new book at the start of each week. On Friday night, children should remove the Take Home Book from their folder. I would keep the books in a shoebox or another container at home for extra reading practice at home. Reading these Take Home Books at home is a great way to complete the 20/20 Reading assignment.
I thank you in advance for your help and support. Together we will help make your child better readers and enjoy literature.
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