Dear Room 10 students and families,
I just wanted to write a quick note thanking you for the lovely holiday gifts. The class gift, a gift basket filled with goodies, including gift cards to Amazon and Vazzy's Restaurant, was a fantastic surprise! These cards will certainly not be wasted! I could always use the Amazon card to purchase games for our new Xbox 360 Kinnect!
Then – all the individual gifts! Words can not express. Both my children loved tearing through all the tissue paper and wrapping. The cookies, candy, ornaments, mugs....... THANKS!
Special thanks to the Room Mothers and to everyone who helped make the Holiday Party a success. I couldn’t have done it without you!
Thanks to all of you for providing books for our Holiday Book Swap. I think the children really enjoyed it and many commented today on how much they enjoyed reading their new book over the break.
Again, I humbly thank all of you for your thoughtfulness and generosity. I thank you for your continued support and look forward to working and laughing with you and your child in 2012.
I wish you and your family all the very best. Happy New Year!
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