I'm sure that many of you were nervous about today and how your child would do. I am happy to report that all did well and the day continued as normal. Many walked in and were whispering to friends about what they had heard/seen over the weekend, however after a brief statement from me saying that we had to think positively - students continued with their work and put the events, that I'm sure repeat over and over in our minds, behind them.
The following was sent by Monroe's First Selectman, Stephen Vavrek:
The BoE of Newtown and their First Selectman is requesting that any and all volunteer efforts wait until they know what will or will not be brought from the Sandy Hook School....We need to respect their wishes.
If you have any ideas please feel free to send them to me at svavrek@monroect.org. Please do not organize any efforts as again we must abide by the needs and desires of the Residence of Newtown.
PLEASE DO NOT go to the school and ask to help as there is a very well orchestrated professional effort between federal, state and local custodians making true miracles happen..
Donation Areas People across the world are in disbelief after the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown on Friday and many are wondering what they can do to help. The United Way has set up the Sandy Hook School Support Fund.
“United Way extends our most sincere condolences and prayers to all those families affected by the devastating events in Newtown/Sandy Hook, Connecticut. While the eyes of the world may be on Newtown/Sandy Hook, to several staff, volunteers and contributors, Newtown is home. We will stand with the community and everyone affected directly and indirectly by this tragic event as we face the days and weeks ahead,” the United Way of Western Connecticut’s Web site says.
Check donations may be mailed to: Sandy Hook School Support Fund c/o Newtown Savings Bank 39 Main Street, Newtown CT 06470
Donations can now be directly made to the Sandy Hook School Support Fund. Please visit: https://newtown.uwwesternct.org/
Donations to Newtown Youth and Family Services/Caroline's Gift will continue to be accepted, however we are encouraging families/businesses to donate to the United Way site above.
Donations can be sent directly to Newtown Youth and Family Services via Caroline's Gift, 15 Berkshire Road, Sandy Hook CT 06482. The agencies Tax ID number is 06-1082115.
Further of donations of good and services should be made to the CT info line at 211 or 1-800-203-1234, who is coordinating with the American Red Cross.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
From the FH PTO
The December PTO meeting will be held Thursday, December 13th at 9:15am. This morning meeting will be held in the staff lounge. The pre-meeting speakers will be Gina Esparo (Sodexho) and a nutritionist. This PTO meeting will end promptly at 11:00, allowing teachers to use the staff lounge for lunch.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Rescheduled November 27 Conferences.....
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Children should wear clothing that will allow them to participate safely in the Turkey Trot. Sneakers and appropriate outdoor clothing are necessary. Parents, please park in lined parking spaces only. If you can’t find a space at Fawn Hollow, then please park in the lot at Chalk Hill. All volunteers should meet Mr. Troesser in the APR at 9:15. He will distribute maps and assignments at that time. All Turkey Trot spectators and “trotters” should assemble on the front lawn at 9:30. Non-perishable items for the Holiday Food Drive may be placed in the collection boxes near the front entrance.
Report cards will be sent home with students on Wednesday, November 21st. Wednesday is also an early dismissal day for all Monroe Public Schools. Fawn Hollow students will be dismissed at 1:35.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Just One Thing!
Every year Fawn Hollow School sponsors a Food Drive for the Monroe Food Pantry. A few years ago, one of my students said that if each student at FH brought in "just one thing" we would have over 500 items for the food pantry! Amazing, right? Out of the mouths of babes!!
At this time, the Monroe Food Pantry is in need of:
Cake mix, mayonnaise, solid white tuna, dry soup, canned soup, pickles, olives, pancake mix, peas, corn, sauerkraut, salad dressing, cookies, crackers, snacks, Pasta Roni/Rice a Roni, pasta, laundry detergent, toiletry items, juice, mashed potatoes, stuffing and canned fruit.
Please help those in need by trying to find Just One Thing from home to donate to the food pantry. Every little bit will help!
At this time, the Monroe Food Pantry is in need of:
Cake mix, mayonnaise, solid white tuna, dry soup, canned soup, pickles, olives, pancake mix, peas, corn, sauerkraut, salad dressing, cookies, crackers, snacks, Pasta Roni/Rice a Roni, pasta, laundry detergent, toiletry items, juice, mashed potatoes, stuffing and canned fruit.
Please help those in need by trying to find Just One Thing from home to donate to the food pantry. Every little bit will help!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Mark Your Calendars!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Important Dates
November 6 - No School - Remember to VOTE!
- November 9 - Science Vocabulary Test
- November 12 - No School - Veterans Day
- November 13 - Science Open Ended Test
- November 16 - Annual Turkey Trot @ 9:30am
November 21-25 - No School - Thanksgiving Recess
- November 27 - Early Dismissal - Evening Conferences
- November 28 - Early Dismissal - Afternoon Conferences
- November 29 - Early Dismissal - Evening Conferences
- December 1 - Annual Holiday Breakfast 2012
FYI - October Scholastic Book Orders have been processed and shipped according to the Scholastic website. I know that there have been delays in shipping due to Storm Sandy. As soon as I get the order, students will take their purchases home. Thanks for understanding!!
East Haven, CT |
Who knew that a storm with such a cute name as Sandy would cause this much trouble, headaches and devastation. I hope you and your families all made it out safely and can begin getting back to a "normal" routine. Students had a lot to talk about today and I had them journal their thoughts as well so that they could refer back to this blip along this journey in life.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Our New Snack Time Book Club Selection Is...
From Amazon.com:
Publication Date: March 1, 2008
Age Level: 8 and up
A boy finds a one-word message -- HELP! -- sealed in a tin can and is sucked into a thrillingly gruesome adventure.
Fergal Bamfield doesn't collect stamps like normal kids. He's an oddball (his mother prefers to call him "clever"), and his collection is as strange as everything else about him. Fergal Bamfield collects tin cans.
Then one day he finds a can without a label. What could be in it? Peaches, soup, perhaps revolting spam? But instead it's something gruesome. Then Fergal finds another can, this time containing a one-word message, HELP! Now Fergal and his friend Charlotte are knee-deep in an adventure, and they're about to learn something horrible: Everybody has an expiration date.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Friday, October 5, 2012
A few things.....
Look for the new Scholastic Oder form coming home today. Last day for orders is Friday, October 19. Click on the link to the right which will direct you instantly to the site.
There will be No School on Monday, October 8, 2012
All Fawn Hollow Fourth Graders will participate in the Mile Run on Tuesday, October 9th. Your child will need to wear/bring sneakers on this day even if it is not his/her regular day for Physical Education. The raindate for this event is October 10th.
Fawn Hollow Picture Days are Wednesday, October 10th, and Thursday, October 11th. Order forms were sent home via backpacks earlier this week. Room 10 is scheduled for October 10, but will go on October 11 if the 10th has to be used as Mile Run raindate.
I missed your kids these past two days I was away. I learned so much and am excited about implementing a lot of the new strategies I learned at the Annual Connecticut Reading Conference. But it is nice to be back.
Enjoy the long weekend.
There will be No School on Monday, October 8, 2012
All Fawn Hollow Fourth Graders will participate in the Mile Run on Tuesday, October 9th. Your child will need to wear/bring sneakers on this day even if it is not his/her regular day for Physical Education. The raindate for this event is October 10th.
Fawn Hollow Picture Days are Wednesday, October 10th, and Thursday, October 11th. Order forms were sent home via backpacks earlier this week. Room 10 is scheduled for October 10, but will go on October 11 if the 10th has to be used as Mile Run raindate.
I missed your kids these past two days I was away. I learned so much and am excited about implementing a lot of the new strategies I learned at the Annual Connecticut Reading Conference. But it is nice to be back.
Enjoy the long weekend.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Mark Your Calendars.....
Some upcoming dates to be aware of:
October 2 - School Store will be open during lunch waves
October 8 - No School - Columbus Day
October 9 - Mile Run at Masuk High School - Students must be dressed appropriately
October 10 - Room 10's Picture Day (May be changed to 10/11 if we have to use 10/10 as Mile Run Rain Date)
October 20 - PTO's Trick or Trunk
October 31 - Halloween Parade starting at 2:45pm
BTW - for those of you who are waiting for Scholastic Book Orders, they were processed and should arrive here at school this week.
October 2 - School Store will be open during lunch waves
October 8 - No School - Columbus Day
October 9 - Mile Run at Masuk High School - Students must be dressed appropriately
October 10 - Room 10's Picture Day (May be changed to 10/11 if we have to use 10/10 as Mile Run Rain Date)
October 20 - PTO's Trick or Trunk
October 31 - Halloween Parade starting at 2:45pm
BTW - for those of you who are waiting for Scholastic Book Orders, they were processed and should arrive here at school this week.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Last Day To Order....
Scholastic Book Clubs Ordering Information
Class Activation Code: GW9ZN
Dear Parents,
Tonight is the last night to order Scholastic Books for this month. Children read more when they choose their own books, so I encourage you to lookfor and choose books together.
You can return the order form and payment to me from the flyer that went home earlier or give online ordering a try. It saves time, offers more book choices, and earns extra rewards for the classroom!
Ordering online is fast and easy:
• REGISTER at www.scholastic.com/bookclubs
• ENTER the Class Activation Code at the top of this post
• CHOOSE from thousands of print titles, value packs, and Storia eBooks
• SUBMIT the order to your child's teacher
• EARN FREE Books for you and the classroom too!
Class Activation Code: GW9ZN
Dear Parents,
Tonight is the last night to order Scholastic Books for this month. Children read more when they choose their own books, so I encourage you to lookfor and choose books together.
You can return the order form and payment to me from the flyer that went home earlier or give online ordering a try. It saves time, offers more book choices, and earns extra rewards for the classroom!
Ordering online is fast and easy:
• REGISTER at www.scholastic.com/bookclubs
• ENTER the Class Activation Code at the top of this post
• CHOOSE from thousands of print titles, value packs, and Storia eBooks
• SUBMIT the order to your child's teacher
• EARN FREE Books for you and the classroom too!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Great Meeting You...
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Mark Your Calendars....
Some important dates to remember:
- September 13 - Back to School Night - 7pm
- September 17 - No School - Rosh Hashanah
- September 19 - Scholastic Book Club - last day to order
- September 26 - No School - Yom Kippur
- September 27 - Room Rep Tea - FH All-Purpose Room - 9am
Friday, August 31, 2012
Great Start To A New Year!
One entire week has already passed! Can you believe it? The children have done a fine job transitioning into fourth grade and our class routine. They have all been working very hard learning new rules, procedures and curriculum within the grade level. I am very proud of what they have accomplished so far and I am looking forward to a great year.
I also look forward to discussing my expectations and the fourth grade curriculum with you at our Open House on September 13 at 7pm. Mark your calendars! I will review with you what is in store for your child and some of the procedures within the room and our grade level.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to write me a note and send it to school with your child or email me at fariaj@monroeps.org. I will also promise to keep you informed of anything that might be out of character while your child is here in school.
Another way to stay-in-the-know is by going to this classroom blog. Please visit this site, fariasatfawnhollow.blogspot.com for the latest classroom happenings and for other important information.
Again, I look forward to seeing you on September 13. Enjoy the long weekend!
I also look forward to discussing my expectations and the fourth grade curriculum with you at our Open House on September 13 at 7pm. Mark your calendars! I will review with you what is in store for your child and some of the procedures within the room and our grade level.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to write me a note and send it to school with your child or email me at fariaj@monroeps.org. I will also promise to keep you informed of anything that might be out of character while your child is here in school.
Another way to stay-in-the-know is by going to this classroom blog. Please visit this site, fariasatfawnhollow.blogspot.com for the latest classroom happenings and for other important information.
Again, I look forward to seeing you on September 13. Enjoy the long weekend!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
We're Off To A Great Start!
We are off to a great start this school year. Students have been eager to learn and transitioning very well into fourth grade! Students switched for science today with Mrs. Lawlor and got to choose "Just Right" books from the classroom library. We also discussed the 40 Book Requirement which I'm sure your child will be able to explain. I will also go into more detail at the upcoming Open House.
Just a few things.....
Please be reminded that if you plan to pick up your child, you need to notify the office in writing. You may do so by sending a note to school with your child or you may email your request to Roxy Castro (rcastro@monroeps.org) and Kristin Murtha (kmurtha@monroeps.org).
To report an absence, please call the Fawn Hollow attendance line – (203) 452-2923 option 1.
As in past years, please anticipate bus delays for the first few days of school. Morning runs may have a few tentative riders, and in the afternoon we will be introducing new students to our dismissal system. Be sure to check the website to verify your child’s bus stop for the 2012-2013 school year. There have been adjustments made throughout the district and some bus routes/numbers have been changed.
As stated in Sodexho’s summer letter, lunch menus will no longer be sent home but will be available in the cafeteria and online. This year bagel, egg, and cheese sandwiches will not be a daily lunch option. To find school lunch menus, go to www.monroeps.org and click on Lunch Menus.
Just a few things.....
Please be reminded that if you plan to pick up your child, you need to notify the office in writing. You may do so by sending a note to school with your child or you may email your request to Roxy Castro (rcastro@monroeps.org) and Kristin Murtha (kmurtha@monroeps.org).
To report an absence, please call the Fawn Hollow attendance line – (203) 452-2923 option 1.
As in past years, please anticipate bus delays for the first few days of school. Morning runs may have a few tentative riders, and in the afternoon we will be introducing new students to our dismissal system. Be sure to check the website to verify your child’s bus stop for the 2012-2013 school year. There have been adjustments made throughout the district and some bus routes/numbers have been changed.
As stated in Sodexho’s summer letter, lunch menus will no longer be sent home but will be available in the cafeteria and online. This year bagel, egg, and cheese sandwiches will not be a daily lunch option. To find school lunch menus, go to www.monroeps.org and click on Lunch Menus.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Welcome Back
One weekend away from the start of the 2012 - 2013 school year! I am excited and ready to start this new journey with a new group of fourth graders. Check back often for information, reminders and for insight as to what is happening in your child's classroom. Enjoy these last few days! I'm looking forward to Monday, August 27. See you then.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Field Day 2012
From Mrs. Scarpati.....
Here is a highlight video of Field Day 2012!! I took WAY too many pics to fit them all in but these are some of my favorite shots.
It was a trully a great day. The kids had so much fun and it was a great way to end the year!
Here is a highlight video of Field Day 2012!! I took WAY too many pics to fit them all in but these are some of my favorite shots.
It was a trully a great day. The kids had so much fun and it was a great way to end the year!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
The Penderwicks

Satudents wanted to know if there was another book - and there is!
In the second book about the Penderwicks, the sisters are home on Gardam Street and ready for an adventure! But the adventure they get isn’t quite what they had in mind. Mr. Penderwick’s sister has decided it’s time for him to start dating—and the girls know that can only mean one thing: disaster.
Enter the Save Daddy Plan—a plot so brilliant, so bold, so funny, that only the Penderwick girls could have come up with it. But in the meantime, they have some other problems to deal with. Rosalind can’t seem to get the annoying Tommy Geiger out of her hair—and she can’t stand him, really. Skye loses her temper on the soccer field in a most undignified manner. Jane’s love of creative writing leads her into deep waters. And Batty’s getting into mischief spying on the new next-door neighbor. As for Hound, he’s always in trouble.
It’s high jinks, big laughs, and loads of family warmth as the Penderwicks triumphantly return!
And....there's a third!
About The Penderwicks at Point Mouette...
In the third book about the Penderwicks, when summer comes around, it's off to the beach for Rosalind . . . and off to Maine with Aunt Claire for the rest of the Penderwick girls, as well as their old friend, Jeffrey.
That leaves Skye as OAP (oldest available Penderwick)—a terrifying notion for all, but for Skye especially.
Things look good as they settle into their cozy cottage, with a rocky shore, enthusiastic seagulls, a just-right corner store, and a charming next-door neighbor.
But can Skye hold it together long enough to figure out Rosalind's directions about not letting Batty explode? Will Jane's Love Survey come to a tragic conclusion after she meets the alluring Dominic? Is Batty—contrary to all accepted wisdom—the only Penderwick capable of carrying a tune? And will Jeffrey be able to keep peace between the girls . . . these girls who are his second, and most heartfelt, family?
It's a rollicking ride as the Penderwicks continue their unforgettable adventures in a story filled with laughs and joyful tears!
Jeanne is now working on a fourth book about the Penderwicks. She plans to write five altogether.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Fawn Hollow teachers and staff are busily preparing for the Volunteer Breakfast. If you have manned a table, chaperoned a trip, photographed, photocopied, decorated, tallied, baked or volunteered in another way, please stop by the Volunteer Breakfast tomorrow morning (8:45-10:15) so we can show our appreciation. We look forward to seeing you there!
Library Books – Friday, June 1
Although students will still be visiting the library through the end of the school year, library books need to be returned by Friday, June 1. Any questions regarding missing/lost books may be directed to the library staff.
PTO FH Family Picnic – Friday, June 1, 6-8pm
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Monroe Food Pantry Drive
Food Items Most Needed: canned soups, salad dressing, hot chocolate, brownie mix, oatmeal. Hamburger Helper, peanut butter & jelly (except grape), Rice a Roni, Past a Roni, cooking oil, decaf coffee, canned vegetables (other than corn & green beans), bread crumbs, instant mashed potatoes, and snacks.
Thank you for your support,
GS or CT Troop #34257 - FH 5th graders
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Scholastic Book Club - Last Time For This Year!
Book Club Order Due Date : June 1
Scholastic Book Clubs Ordering Information
Class Activation Code: GW9ZN
Dear Parent,
This month's Scholastic Book Clubs flyer is ready for you to explore with your child and will be going home tomorrow. Once you've decided which books to purchase, please return the form and payment to me, or give online ordering a try. It saves time, offers more book choices, and earns extra rewards for the classroom.
To start ordering online, follow these simple steps:
1. Register at Scholastic Book Clubs' secure Web site (www.scholastic.com/bookclubs), and create your own User Name and Password.
2. Enter the onetime Class Activation Code above to link you to our classroom.
3. Choose the books that you would like to order.
4. Pay for your selections using your credit card.
5. Submit your order to me online.
It's always a special moment to see an entire classroom bursting with excitement to open the book box! This will be your last chance to order books this school year.
Thank you,
Mr. Farias
My Book Recommendations
Bud, Not Buddy – Arrow March # 6
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Pack – Arrow March # 15
Gross Science – Arrow March # 26
Juniper Berry – Arrow March # 36
Milkweed – Arrow March # 44
Sideways Stories from Wayside School – Arrow March # 68
Where the Sidewalk Ends – Arrow March # 88
I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic, 1912 – Arrow April # 36
Letters from a Nut – Arrow April # 43
A Light in the Attic – Arrow April # 45
National Geographic Kids: Everything Ancient Egypt – Arrow April # 56
Guardians of Ga'Hoole Collection – Arrow June # 37
Half Upon a Time – Arrow June # 39
Hoot – Arrow June # 43
National Geographic Kids: Volcano! – Arrow June # 61
The Time Bike – Arrow June # 87
Scholastic Book Clubs Ordering Information
Class Activation Code: GW9ZN
Dear Parent,
This month's Scholastic Book Clubs flyer is ready for you to explore with your child and will be going home tomorrow. Once you've decided which books to purchase, please return the form and payment to me, or give online ordering a try. It saves time, offers more book choices, and earns extra rewards for the classroom.
To start ordering online, follow these simple steps:
1. Register at Scholastic Book Clubs' secure Web site (www.scholastic.com/bookclubs), and create your own User Name and Password.
2. Enter the onetime Class Activation Code above to link you to our classroom.
3. Choose the books that you would like to order.
4. Pay for your selections using your credit card.
5. Submit your order to me online.
It's always a special moment to see an entire classroom bursting with excitement to open the book box! This will be your last chance to order books this school year.
Thank you,
Mr. Farias
My Book Recommendations
Bud, Not Buddy – Arrow March # 6
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Pack – Arrow March # 15
Gross Science – Arrow March # 26
Juniper Berry – Arrow March # 36
Milkweed – Arrow March # 44
Sideways Stories from Wayside School – Arrow March # 68
Where the Sidewalk Ends – Arrow March # 88
I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic, 1912 – Arrow April # 36
Letters from a Nut – Arrow April # 43
A Light in the Attic – Arrow April # 45
National Geographic Kids: Everything Ancient Egypt – Arrow April # 56
Guardians of Ga'Hoole Collection – Arrow June # 37
Half Upon a Time – Arrow June # 39
Hoot – Arrow June # 43
National Geographic Kids: Volcano! – Arrow June # 61
The Time Bike – Arrow June # 87
Monday, May 14, 2012
Grade 4 End of Year Picnic
End of Year 4th Grade Picnic
Lakewood-Trumbull YMCA
WHEN: Tuesday, June 5, 2012 – NO RAIN DATE
9:00am – 1:30pm
COST: $12.60 per child Please make checks payable to: Fawn Hollow School NO CASH PLEASE
FACILITIES: 3 Pools with Lifeguards (Olympic, Smaller, Wading) Lifeguards will be swim testing EVERY child who wishes to swim in the deep end of the pools for safety reasons. Those students who do not pass the test will still be allowed to use the shallow ends of the pools.
Basketball Courts
Softball Field
Tennis Courts
Restrooms/Changing Rooms
Picnic Tables
SUGGESTIONS OF WHAT TO BRING: Bottled Water Bag Lunch – NO glass permitted
Sports Equipment
Bathing Suit/Towel
T-Shirt for Sun protection
SUNSCREEN – to prevent skin damage – must be applied at home BEFORE leaving for school!
Please return the Permission Slip/ Event Waiver and Release Form and a check made payable to: Fawn Hollow School by Friday, May 18.
Lakewood-Trumbull YMCA
WHEN: Tuesday, June 5, 2012 – NO RAIN DATE
9:00am – 1:30pm
COST: $12.60 per child Please make checks payable to: Fawn Hollow School NO CASH PLEASE
FACILITIES: 3 Pools with Lifeguards (Olympic, Smaller, Wading) Lifeguards will be swim testing EVERY child who wishes to swim in the deep end of the pools for safety reasons. Those students who do not pass the test will still be allowed to use the shallow ends of the pools.
Basketball Courts
Softball Field
Tennis Courts
Restrooms/Changing Rooms
Picnic Tables
SUGGESTIONS OF WHAT TO BRING: Bottled Water Bag Lunch – NO glass permitted
Sports Equipment
Bathing Suit/Towel
T-Shirt for Sun protection
SUNSCREEN – to prevent skin damage – must be applied at home BEFORE leaving for school!
Please return the Permission Slip/ Event Waiver and Release Form and a check made payable to: Fawn Hollow School by Friday, May 18.
Teacher Appreciation
A huge thanks to all of you for making last week so special for me! Thanks for the treats, cards, wearing my favorite colors, the PTO Lunch...... it was a great reminder of the amazing parents and students I get to work with each day. I appreciate you!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Basketball Bliss BoxTop Contest
Thanks to everyone who donated BoxTops! As a school, Fawn Hollow collected a grand total of 20,527 BoxTops. The PTO will continue collecting BoxTops through the end of the school year. Thanks again for your continued support!
BoxTop Contest Winners
1st place = room 33
2nd place = room 8
3rd place = room 9
Honorable mention to the following rooms: 3, 12, 1 and 37
BoxTop Contest Winners
1st place = room 33
2nd place = room 8
3rd place = room 9
Honorable mention to the following rooms: 3, 12, 1 and 37
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
A few reminders.....
Elementary school conferences will be held on Wednesday, March 28 and Thursday, March 29. These are EARLY DISMISSAL days for the elementary schools. Fawn Hollow will be dismissing at 1:05.
The Book Fair will be open during school hours from Monday, March 26 through Friday, March 30. In addition, the Book Fair will be open for parents during afternoon and evening conferences.
The Book Fair will be open during school hours from Monday, March 26 through Friday, March 30. In addition, the Book Fair will be open for parents during afternoon and evening conferences.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Masuk Masquerade: A Night of Mystery & Fashion
Join us for a fun night as Masuk students & teachers from Masuk, Jockey Hollow & Fawn Hollow model the latest in prom fashions! This year’s annual show is on Thursday, March 22nd & features fashions from Lord & Taylor in Danbury, Teen Scene in Trumbull & Camillo Tuxedo in Orange. The show begins at 7:30 pm; doors open at 6:30.
Tickets for the Fashion Show will be sold during Masuk’s lunch waves beginning Monday, March 19th (10:45 am – 1 pm). They are $8 in advance & $10 at the door. Any ticket purchased before March 22nd will have the chance to win a special “night out” prize! There will also be opportunities to win prizes on the night of the show!
All proceeds benefit Masuk’s Post Prom.
Tickets for the Fashion Show will be sold during Masuk’s lunch waves beginning Monday, March 19th (10:45 am – 1 pm). They are $8 in advance & $10 at the door. Any ticket purchased before March 22nd will have the chance to win a special “night out” prize! There will also be opportunities to win prizes on the night of the show!
All proceeds benefit Masuk’s Post Prom.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Youth Art Month 2012
From Mrs. Scarpati, Art Educator
Please take a moment to enjoy the 2012 Youth Art Month highlight video created by our very own Lisa Martinsky. She did a wonderful job photographing our event and we sincerely appreciate all her time she's donated to helping document all our functions.
Copy and paste the following link to a new window:
Please take a moment to enjoy the 2012 Youth Art Month highlight video created by our very own Lisa Martinsky. She did a wonderful job photographing our event and we sincerely appreciate all her time she's donated to helping document all our functions.
Copy and paste the following link to a new window:
Monday, March 5, 2012
The Big Read is HERE!!
Copy the link below and paste it onto the address bar of a new window to take you to The Big Read website. Lots of great pictures and even podcasts of the chapters! Enjoy!!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
1 More Day.......
The Big Read! –
Fawn Hollow students and staff are excited about The Big Read! Clues have been given about the book’s main character – and there have been some terrific guesses made as to which book we will be reading. Tomorrow, during an assembly, the book’s title will be revealed. Classroom teachers will hand out the book, along with a letter to parents, tomorrow before dismissal. Be sure to check your youngest child’s backpack for your family’s copy of the book. We hope you are as excited as we are to participate in this family reading event!
Fawn Hollow students and staff are excited about The Big Read! Clues have been given about the book’s main character – and there have been some terrific guesses made as to which book we will be reading. Tomorrow, during an assembly, the book’s title will be revealed. Classroom teachers will hand out the book, along with a letter to parents, tomorrow before dismissal. Be sure to check your youngest child’s backpack for your family’s copy of the book. We hope you are as excited as we are to participate in this family reading event!
Monday, February 27, 2012
The Big Read
Monday, February 20, 2012
We Read! We Discussed!

We conquered!!
The Chocolate Party was a great success - but please don't think your kids didn't work to deserve such a treat. After many read more than one of the assigned "chocolate books" students worked in groups discussing their findings, thoughts and answering each other's questions. Students answered questions regarding the characters in their books and compared and contrasted the books they read.
Thanks to you, we had plenty of goodies to choose from! From chocolate covered strawberries to pudding to chocolate cake, students went home quite satisfied of any chocolate cravings they may have had.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Black History Month
Students have completed their projects and got to share them and the information they learned with the class. I learned many new facts that I didn't know before and I've been doing this project with students for years!
I hope this was a worthwhile activity for your child - a way of learning about the great contributions many African Americans have made for our country. All students have heard of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks, but there are so many others who have changed the way we currently live today.
The projects and just small reminders of the many accomplishments these people have made. Students have enjoyed looking and reading each other's projects during their free time. Thanks for any help you may have offered your child in completing this project.
I hope this was a worthwhile activity for your child - a way of learning about the great contributions many African Americans have made for our country. All students have heard of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks, but there are so many others who have changed the way we currently live today.
The projects and just small reminders of the many accomplishments these people have made. Students have enjoyed looking and reading each other's projects during their free time. Thanks for any help you may have offered your child in completing this project.

Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day. Thanks to everyone for making it successful and to the Room Moms for organizing the party. I love my new apron! Everyone got to sign their name and write a few words describing me: funny, generous, smart, sweater guy.......
On Friday, February 17, we will be having our Chocolate Party to end our study of three great books:
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
Chocolate Fever by Robert Kimmel Smith
The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skene Catling
Students have been working hard reading as many of the three books as possible and having "Book Talks" where they sit together to share their thoughts on the books, questions they may have on the book, their impression of the characters, etc.
We are going to have a lot of chocolaty treats on Friday. Thanks again for making this possible!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Mark Your Calendar
Fawn Hollow February PTO Meeting
Tuesday, February 7th at 9:15 a.m. in the APR
Are you looking for answers about your child’s education?
Then you need to be at the PTO meeting on Tuesday morning!
We are very excited to have Monroe’s NEW Superintendent of Education,
Mr. James Agostine, join us.
Immediately following, Deb Gaynor will discuss the topic of “How Families Thrive.” Afterwards the general meeting will proceed.
This is one PTO meeting you will NOT want to miss!
Family Bingo Night will be held at Fawn Hollow on Friday, February 24th.
The PTO is in the process of collecting prizes for the event. If you have something that you would like to donate, please send it to the Fawn Hollow office by February 16th.
Mrs. Kosisko made an announcement to students and staff earlier this week:
Something BIG will be happening at Fawn Hollow next month!
Stay tuned to more clues throughout the month of February.
Kindergarten Orientation will be held Thursday, February 9th from 7-9pm in the Masuk auditorium.
If you are unable to attend this meeting, you will need to pick up a registration packet from your elementary school after February 23rd.
Tuesday, February 7th at 9:15 a.m. in the APR
Are you looking for answers about your child’s education?
Then you need to be at the PTO meeting on Tuesday morning!
We are very excited to have Monroe’s NEW Superintendent of Education,
Mr. James Agostine, join us.
Immediately following, Deb Gaynor will discuss the topic of “How Families Thrive.” Afterwards the general meeting will proceed.
This is one PTO meeting you will NOT want to miss!
Family Bingo Night will be held at Fawn Hollow on Friday, February 24th.
The PTO is in the process of collecting prizes for the event. If you have something that you would like to donate, please send it to the Fawn Hollow office by February 16th.
Mrs. Kosisko made an announcement to students and staff earlier this week:
Something BIG will be happening at Fawn Hollow next month!
Stay tuned to more clues throughout the month of February.
Kindergarten Orientation will be held Thursday, February 9th from 7-9pm in the Masuk auditorium.
If you are unable to attend this meeting, you will need to pick up a registration packet from your elementary school after February 23rd.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Help From Home

These next few months are always difficult for students. Cold weather and snow keep kids indoors. Kids feel somewhat cramped - almost jailed. Frustrations begin to mount and constant, close proximity make dealing with these frustrations even more difficult.
School continues. Expectations are still expected to be met. The bar continues to rise although academics become the last thing on many students' minds during the winter.
This is where you come in. It is really important to check in with your child. Ask him/her about their day. Look through their folder and have them explain their work to you and what they are studying. Review their homework with them and point out careless mistakes. During conferences, many parents were pleased to say how independent their child has become. This doesn't mean that they are mature enough to handle each school day/assignment on their own. As a parent myself, it's easy to overlook their school work when there are so many other household things to attend to. However, we must continue to make school a priority and model that for our children.
Now that you know these winter months are difficult for many kids in school, make sure to talk to them about what may be bothering them and review their work with them. Make sure they keep up with their reading and are practicing their math facts. If they know that school is a priority with everyone in the family, the more they will focus and concentrate on making every day a great one.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Just a few reminders - Mark your calendars:
Some Grade 4 students were asked to partake in a Before School CMT Tutorial. If your child was invited for the Reading Tutorial - that will start this coming Monday, January 23. The Reading Tutorial will occur on Mondays and Wednesdays. Students should report to their "homeroom" and teachers will divide the students once they are all together. If your child was invited to partake in the Math Tutorial, the first class will occur on Thursday, January 26. The Math Tutorial will happen each Thursday. ALL TUTORIAL CLASSES BEGIN AT 7:45. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD IS ON TIME!
January 27 - Science Test with Mrs. Lawlor!
February 8 - Black History Month All-Star Boxes are due!
February 14 - Valentine's Day Party - Students will be encouraged to distribute valentines to each other. A class list with names will be going home prior to the party so that cards may be addressed correctly.
With the coming snow - stay safe tomorrow! Enjoy your weekend.
Some Grade 4 students were asked to partake in a Before School CMT Tutorial. If your child was invited for the Reading Tutorial - that will start this coming Monday, January 23. The Reading Tutorial will occur on Mondays and Wednesdays. Students should report to their "homeroom" and teachers will divide the students once they are all together. If your child was invited to partake in the Math Tutorial, the first class will occur on Thursday, January 26. The Math Tutorial will happen each Thursday. ALL TUTORIAL CLASSES BEGIN AT 7:45. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD IS ON TIME!
January 27 - Science Test with Mrs. Lawlor!
February 8 - Black History Month All-Star Boxes are due!
February 14 - Valentine's Day Party - Students will be encouraged to distribute valentines to each other. A class list with names will be going home prior to the party so that cards may be addressed correctly.
With the coming snow - stay safe tomorrow! Enjoy your weekend.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Multiplication Bingo
Today we played Multiplication Bingo during math - a fun way to review the multiplication facts. Recently, a letter went home explaining how your child did on three math timed test taken after the winter break as compared to three taken in September (addition, subtraction and multiplication).
Please make sure that your child practices his/her facts every day. Five minutes each day will make a difference. By going to www.monroeps.org and then going to our ETC site (Elementary Technology Center), students can access some great games to review their facts. The children enjoy playing and will learn at the same time. ETC is a great resource! Give it a try.
Please make sure that your child practices his/her facts every day. Five minutes each day will make a difference. By going to www.monroeps.org and then going to our ETC site (Elementary Technology Center), students can access some great games to review their facts. The children enjoy playing and will learn at the same time. ETC is a great resource! Give it a try.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Scholastic Books
Happy New Year!

Dear Room 10 students and families,
I just wanted to write a quick note thanking you for the lovely holiday gifts. The class gift, a gift basket filled with goodies, including gift cards to Amazon and Vazzy's Restaurant, was a fantastic surprise! These cards will certainly not be wasted! I could always use the Amazon card to purchase games for our new Xbox 360 Kinnect!
Then – all the individual gifts! Words can not express. Both my children loved tearing through all the tissue paper and wrapping. The cookies, candy, ornaments, mugs....... THANKS!
Special thanks to the Room Mothers and to everyone who helped make the Holiday Party a success. I couldn’t have done it without you!
Thanks to all of you for providing books for our Holiday Book Swap. I think the children really enjoyed it and many commented today on how much they enjoyed reading their new book over the break.
Again, I humbly thank all of you for your thoughtfulness and generosity. I thank you for your continued support and look forward to working and laughing with you and your child in 2012.
I wish you and your family all the very best. Happy New Year!
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