Yikes - where does the time go?
Yesterday I was at the CECA/CASL joint conference on Teaching and Technology for the 21st Century. A full day of Wiki, Blogs, Moogle, Smart Boards - a whole lot of technology and how to effectively use it in today's classroom. Just when I became a pro at using the calculator.........
Today, students were given an assignment due Friday, October 30. They are to create a creature and write about it. Work will be shared on Friday in class. Should your child have a problem and/or question, have them see me ASAP. It's always a fun project that I enjoy doing with the children. The creativity is wonderful!
Friday will be our annual Halloween Parade and party. I wish that I could invite everyone to the class party, but as per Mrs. Kosisko's letter, only in-room helpers, Room Reps and the class photographer will be allowed in due to fire-code limitations. However, all are invited to the parade which will take place around the school starting at 2:45pm. Want a good "seat?" Stand outside at the primary playground. Nobody ever stands there and you'll get great pictures/video! Parents can pick-up their child at the end of the parade.
I can't believe the month is over. If I don't get to see you before Friday - Happy Halloween! BTW - all Kit Kats and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups must be evenly shared with Mr. Farias.
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