Voting Day in Monroe – Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Tomorrow, voting on our town budget will take place in our gymnasium from 6:00am-8:00pm. As you know, this can cause congestion during arrival and dismissal times with the added traffic due to voting. If you choose to pick your child up tomorrow, please be patient and allow extra time for the pick-up and drop off process, especially if you plan on voting at the same time. If you don’t plan on voting at Fawn Hollow during arrival or dismissal, we strongly recommend sending your child home on the school bus to allow ample parking for voters.
Our dismissal procedures for student pick-up will begin at 3:25 in the APR. Please use the front door to access the building and remain in the foyer until a staff member admits you to the APR. Parking in front of the school is not permissible due to bus arrival.
Thank you for honoring our voting day procedure.