Monday, December 22, 2014


Tomorrow, Tuesday, December 23, Fawn Hollow students will be dismissed at 1:35pm.  Students being picked up at the end of the school day will be dismissed from the gymnasium following our regular dismissal procedures.  Please be sure to send a note to school if you plan to pick up your child.

Remember also that lunch will be served.  Please make the necessary arrangements.

Last call for book orders!  Taking into account that this is a busy time of year, Lauren Tarshis and Alan Katz book orders will be accepted through tomorrow morning. 
Hope you are enjoying these last few days of 2014.  Wishing you all the best this holiday season.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

What We're Doing....

First night of Hanukkah.  Christmas next week.  This month is flying by!

Thanks so much for making sure the December project got done.  I hope your child had some fun creating this picture ornament that represents all the great things your family does during the month.  I'm sure they couldn't do it without you, so again, I thank you!  I know the picture doesn't do the work justice however, our tree adds a festive touch to the room and reminds us of what this month is truly about - family, giving and sharing.

Remember also that gifts for our annual Gift Exchange are due by this Friday, December 19.  Two gifts are needed: a new book and something gently used from home that is gender neutral and can be given as gift.  No food is allowed and both gifts need to be wrapped.

These gifts will be exchanged on our last day together, Tuesday, December 23, before the holiday break.  Please remember that lunch will be served and students will have a recess period as well.  Mr. Peterson will be doing his annual Holiday Sing-a-Long and we will have our own class celebration starting at 12:30 where students will be working on a craft and get to eat some treats provided by Mrs. Alderman and Mrs. Schwartz.  Permission slips did go home today for those treats.  Please make sure to sign and return by Friday, December 19.

Now for academics!!  As I said at conferences, learning math facts is a must!  Please make sure that your child takes time each day to practice all facts - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  Today, we started working on a pretest/study guide which we will complete tomorrow in class.  They will take this home to study for the mid-module assessment on Unit 3: Multi Digit Multiplication and Division which will be given on Thursday and Friday, December 18 and 19.

In reading, students have been looking for books in both our classroom library and school library to research a topic of interest.  Students have been taking notes and will use the information for our next unit of writing - Information Writing.  Students got to read a "how to" book on showing cows written by a sixth grader.  Students have been given a brief overview of the unit and what will be expected but I wanted to give them time to research a topic of interest so that they will be better prepared once we start the lessons in the new year.

I hope that you are enjoying these last few days of 2014 and wish you all the best in the coming new year.  All the best this holiday season - to you and your family.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

What We're Doing....

Always busy around here!!  Students have been working hard and continue to do so.

In these past few weeks we have ended some units and started some new ones.  Students were also asked to research a President and have some fun transforming a pumpkin into its likeness.  We celebrated Halloween, ran at Masuk, honored veterans and had "Dinner with the Smileys."  

In math, we started our new unit on unit conversions and problem solving using metric measurement.  Students will be assessed this Friday on their knowledge of the concepts.  Students will also be tested again on their fluency of facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  The results will be shared with you at our upcoming conferences at the beginning of December.

In writing, we completed our Realistic Fiction unit and have moved on to how to write a personal and persuasive essay.  A trainer from Teacher's College came and worked with students one morning in October and students have been working on taking their opinion and backing it up with supporting details. 

In reading, we are currently focused on informational texts and text structure.  This study should have helped your child when researching their President.  The projects were wonderful to listen to and many interesting facts were shared.  I have two bulletin boards filled with pictures and information of the Presidents that were researched.

Yesterday, we had a wonderful visit from Bridget's grandfather who talked to us about his years of service in the Air Force during the Korean War.  He also shared his father's decorated shirt which included many ribbons and even a purple heart for his work and bravery.  It was a wonderful culminating activity to the work done in class.  Students came away having a better appreciation of our veterans and the work done to protect our country and freedoms.

Today, we had a visit from the Smiley family.  Mrs. Sarah Smiley is the author of Dinner with the Smileys, the uplifting true story of a wife and mother's yearlong experience inviting one new guest (from senators to school teachers, artists to professional athletes) to dinner for each week that her husband was deployed overseas.

I hope your child is sharing with you all of the great things they learn and we talk about daily.  Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to discussing your child's progress at our upcoming conferences. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween Info....

Halloween at Fawn Hollow:


Students participating in the Halloween parade should carry their costumes to school in a bag. Costumes are not to be worn to school. Students need to be able to put their costumes on by themselves. They will also need to take their costume off prior to boarding their bus home. We kindly ask that students refrain from wearing hair paint, face paint, and/or scary costumes or masks. Also note that anything construed as a weapon will not be allowed.


Our Halloween parade will begin at approximately 2:45. Parents are asked to remain outside where they may find a viewing spot on the back field or along the parade route. The parade lines will exit the building’s front doors where students will march around the building and across the back field before reentering through the front doors. Please keep the front sidewalks clear for our marchers.


Please send a note to school if you plan to pick up your child after the Halloween parade. Once the parade begins, we ask that parents not reenter the building to sign out their children out in the office. Our dismissal procedures will begin immediately following the conclusion of the parade. All students being picked up will be dismissed from the gym. Parents are asked to wait outside the gym doors at the conclusion of the parade, and staff members will call students to the gym for dismissal.

Please know that there is an alternate activity for students who would prefer not to participate in the Halloween activities. Contact the office if you would like your child to participate in this alternate activity.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Math - Module 2

Today we started our next math module - Module 2/Unit Conversions and Problem Solving with Metric Measurement.  Today, we also received some information you at home may find helpful.  Common Core, Inc., the creators of the NY math modules (which they market under the name Eureka Math) have started posting documents that support parents with the some of the new instructional strategies in each grade level. You can find them here:

If you click on the above link and scroll down to Grade 4, you will find PDF files which you can open for Modules 1-5.  Hope you can find these helpful!

Friday, October 3, 2014

What We're Doing....

It's October already!!  I love the fall temperatures, the vibrant colors on trees as I drive to and from work and anything pumpkin.

We've been working hard in Room 10.  Now that students have learned the routines and understand what is expected, we continue to chug along while having some laughs and fun along the way.

In Grammar, we've been discussing types of sentences, run-on sentences, subject/predicate, and we continue to learn about parts of speech and how to punctuate sentences correctly.

In Writing, we are nearing the end of our first unit on writing
Realistic Fiction.  Students are currently taking the parts of their story they have been working so hard on and piecing them together.  It will be nice to see just how much they have grown since their first On-Demand writing assignment back in August.

In Spelling, we continue to work on our weekly spelling lists.  Students know to use to practice words assigned for the week as well as past words.  Since I test students using dictated sentences, this truly shows whether or not students have acquired the spelling of these words.

In Reading, students are reading their leveled books as well as assigned stories and thinking about theme - the message, lesson or moral of the story.  Students are also being asked to answer questions about what they have read and support their answers with information from the story.  I have taught them the three magic words: the text says.....  This forces students to go back into the text and write what the text says to support their answer or claim.

In Math, we continue with Module 1: Place Value, Rounding, and the algorithms for Addition and Subtraction.  Students just took the Mid Module Assessment, which will be corrected and sent home soon.  Please have your child continue to practice their facts.

In Social Studies, we have started reviewing the parts of a map and discussing the Northeast Region of the United States.  While studying the US regions, we will also learn about the Native Americans native to the region.

In Science, your child continues to work with Mrs. Herman.  They love the lizards!!  Ask them what they have worked on to date!

Students are also loving the new Book Club selection - Wonder by R. J. Palacio.  Ask your child what it means to Choose Kind and about the exercise we did in the room with the crumpled piece of paper that is now hanging on our classroom timeline.

As you can see, your child is kept busy while here at Fawn Hollow.  My hope is that you see your child becoming more independent and excited when talking about our daily happenings.

Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Spelling City

Spelling City, an online website designed to help students practice and learn their weekly spelling words is a great resource!  However, I've heard that some students have been having a difficult time getting to my class page.  Below you will find the complete web address.  Please bookmark it so your child can have easy access to it whenever they choose to practice and have some fun practicing spelling.


Monday, September 15, 2014


Monday,   September 15              Back to School Night (Grades K-2)  7:00pm
Thursday, September 18               Back to School Night (Grades 3-5)   7:00pm
Back to School Night provides parents with the opportunity to learn about their child’s school day.  Following a brief presentation in the All-Purpose Room, parents will proceed to their child’s classroom where the teacher will give additional information. 
Monday, September  22               PTO Fall Fundraiser Orders Due (New Date!)
The deadline for Genevieve’s fundraising orders has been extended to September 22.  Items from the catalog will be on display Fawn Hollow’s foyer during our Back to School Nights.  Please contact Heather Simoulidis- or Jen Nivison-  if you should have any questions.  Thank you to all the families who have placed orders!
Attendance policy reminder:
In keeping with the district’s attendance policy, all students need to bring a signed note from home following an absence from school.   If a valid note is not received within ten days of the absence, the missed day will be entered as Unexcused.  A copy of the student attendance policy letter  is available on the Fawn Hollow webpage.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Ice Cream Social

This annual event is always a lot of fun and it’s a great way to kick-off the start of the new school year. If your family plans to attend next Friday’s Ice Cream Social, September 5 at 6pm, please send your RSVP back to Fawn Hollow as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you there!

Important Dates

Mark your calendar!

September 1: Labor Day-No School
September 5: PTO Ice Cream Social - 6:00pm on the playground
September 10: Instrument Night - 7:00pm for 5th graders andtheir parents
September 10: PTO Meeting 7:30pm
September 12: Ice Cream Social (rain date)
September 15: Back-to-School Night - 7:00pm Grades K, 1, & 2
September 18: Back-to-School Night - 7:00pm Grades 3, 4, & 5

Monday, August 25, 2014

Welcome Back!!

School year 2014 - 2015.  Bring it!!

I am so happy to start this new school year with you.  I have had a terrific and relaxing summer enjoying every possible moment with my family.  But now it's time so start enjoying moments with my new class family and I am looking forward to it.  I saw this quote as well as tons of others.  There are so many wonderful quotes that I would love to post but this has to be a favorite.  I am excited for this new school year can't wait to get started learning and laughing with each of you.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Monroe Reads Together

Monroe Reads Together is pleased to announce the title of the book chosen for Monroe’s first community read project, “Dinner with the Smileys: One Military Family, One Year of Heroes, and Lessons for a Lifetime” by Sarah Smiley.  Monroe Reads Together, a partnership between the Monroe Public Schools, the Edith Wheeler Memorial Library and local business and community members wishes to engage all of Monroe in the benefits and enjoyment of reading and to involve the community in a conversation about books and the issues they present.

This year’s book is a true story about a mother’s yearlong experience of inviting one guest to dinner for each week while her husband is deployed with the Army overseas.  She and her three young boys host 52 different dinner guests whose stories intertwine with their own.  It is a moving story that touches on the universal life experiences of loss, grief, loneliness, sacrifice and ultimately, unexpected joy and finding one’s own strength.  The entire Smiley family will be coming to Monroe to discuss the book and share their stories.  The visit will take place in November and will include author conversations in the schools and at the Edith Wheeler Memorial Library.  In addition, the Smileys will talk about sacrifice and service as part of the Veteran’s Day activities at Masuk High School. Ultimately, their visit will culminate with an author presentation and discussion on the evening of November 13th.

This inaugural project is made possible by a grant from the Connecticut Humanities and donations from the Friends of the Edith Wheeler Memorial Library, Monroe Schools PTOs, the Monroe Lions Club and Linda’s Story Time. The Connecticut Humanities is a non-profit affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities that funds, creates and collaborates on hundreds of cultural programs across Connecticut each year. Check the Edith Wheeler Memorial Library web site and the Monroe School’s site www. for further information and updates.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Reminders From our PTO

Tickets for our Quassy Family Fun Night will be sent home in student backpacks over the next couple of days.  Please keep an eye out for the tickets to come home.  For those families still interesting in attending, you may also pay at the gate on Friday night.  The cost is $12 per person.  You will be asked to show your license to show you are from Monroe as the event is closed to the general public.  We had a great response for the event and we are looking forward to a fun time!
The next PTO meeting is schedulefor this Thursday, May 8, at 7:30 pm in the Staff Lounge.  We will be electing our board for next school year.  We are still in need of nominees for some of our positions if anyone is interested in helping for next year.
The deadline for our Father/Daughter Luau Dance responses has been extended to this Friday, May 9, if anyone else is interested in attending.
The annual Mother's Day Plant Sale will be taking place this Friday, May 9.  Students will be able to make purchases during the day.  Plants are in 4 inch pots and are $4 per plant or 2 for $7.  There is a limit of 4 plants per student.  Money to purchase plants can be sent in with students on Friday.  Please make checks payable to Fawn Hollow PTO.
The response deadline for anyone interested in marching with Fawn Hollow in this year's Memorial Day Parade is also this Friday, May 9.
All the information and flyers for these events can be found on the PTO website at  Thank you!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Bingo Night

FROM OUR PTO:  Our Bingo Night is scheduled for Friday, April 4.  As of the responses received by Monday afternoon, we have reached the maximum capacity permitted in the APR for the event and Bingo Night is now full.  We can no longer accept additional responses.  We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding!

Wacky Wednesday

Tomorrow, March 19 is Wacky Wednesday.  Students earned the day in exchange for all the hearts received as part of our Fawn Hollow CARES program. The day is meant to be fun, BUT we are still in school.  No face paint or hair coloring!  Fawn Hollow School protocol will be followed.  If someone wears or comes in with something that may cause too many disruptions or issues, teachers do have the right to have the child put the item away.  Wacky must be school appropriate.  Thanks!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Kids With a Cause

Kids with a Cause is again joining with A Project from the Heart to create "We Care" boxes for the men and women serving in our Armed Forces overseas.

The following is a suggested list of supplies most needed/requested at this time by our servicemen and women:

  • beef jerky
  • tuna in packets
  • peanut butter/jelly - plastic jars
  • crackers
  • canned fruit
  • beans and franks
  • pasta
  • baby wipes
  • body wash/wash cloths
  • deodorant/Gold Bond powder
  • chap stick
A Project from the Heart is an organization of retired police wives and other concerned Connecticut citizens who package and mail "WE CARE" boxes to armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.  They have sent over 8,000 packages since 2002.

Donation boxes will be located in the foyer and near the gym.  Items will be collected thru Friday, March 28.

Come have fun in school with Mike and Sulley

Fawn Hollow’s 2nd Movie Night!

Friday, March 7, 2014

6:45pm (doors open at 6:30)

Bring your pillow and blanket and enjoy

One of your favorites with your friends!

Admission: food pantry item for each person attending

Snacks will be sold

Monday, March 3, 2014

The Big Read

As I'm sure you may have heard by now, this year's Big Read selection is Masterpiece by Elise Broach.  The summary on the back of the book reads:

Marvin lives with his family under the kitchen sink in the Pompadays' apartment.  He is very much a beetle.  James lives with his family in New York City.  He is very much an eleven-year-old boy.  After James gets a pen-and-ink set for his  birthday, Marvin surprises him by creating an elaborate miniature drawing.  Then James ends up with all the credit, and is expected to do it again.  Before they know it, the unlikely friends are caught up in an art heist that could lead them to a long-lost drawing by Albrecht Durer.  Or course, James can't go through with the plan without Marvin's help.  But can a boy take a beetle to a museum and let him recreate a master work of art without anyone knowing about it?  Even more important, can he bring the beetle safely back home?

The following is a link to The Big Read's website which includes the reading calendar and podcasts of each chapter.  If your child is having difficulty reading or is just too tired, the podcast will read the chapter to your child.  This is also a great way for the entire family to follow along and take part in this fantastic story.

Hope you love this book as much as I do!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Family Movie Night

Reminder:  Fawn Hollow's Family Movie Night featuring Despicable Me 2 is tomorrow, Friday, January 24 in the APR!  Doors will open at 6:30 pm with the movie starting at 6:45 pm.  The event is free, but please bring a donation of a non-perishable food item for the Monroe Food Pantry.  Bring your pillow and blanket and enjoy one of your favorite movies with your friends!  Snacks will be available for purchase.