As you know the Turkey Trot shirts are
being distributed this week. Our school is going to be full of spirit, since we
have sold almost 300 shirts! If you have already received your Turkey Trot
shirt(s), please check your order to make sure it is correct - size, short
sleeve vs. long sleeve and quantity of shirts. If there is an error, please
return by TOMORROW (1) your order form with the error noted and
(2) any incorrect shirts, so we can make corrections. Any remaining shirts will
begin to be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis on Monday, beginning
with the orders we received earlier this week.
The Pequot Library, 720 Pequot Avenue in Southport, CT 06890, is having a Children’s Book Festival this
Saturday, November 9 from 11 to 4pm. There will be 14 authors/illustrators giving demonstrations and
signing books. Below is the link if you would like more information.
Wanted to share this class picture of everybody in their costumes. We all had a lot of fun and we got to do the school parade before the rain came!! Thanks Mrs. Antolini for the pic.!