Another year is about to begin - can you believe it? This summer went so fast. I am looking forward to another fun and productive year and I hope you are too.
As you can see, I do a good job keeping up with this Blog at the start of the school year. Then the CMT crunch - which happens around February - and my brain turns to mush! I forget all about updating the Blog. My goal this year is to try and be more consistent! This is a great way of seeing what is happening in the classroom and grade level and by not updating the Blog regularly it is a disservice to you. So, I will try my best to come back more often and let you in on the happenings of Room 10!
Again, I look forward to a great year. I hope to see you on Tuesday, August 30 - however, the storm predictions are not looking good. If we have no power, I'm assuming we will have no school. Stay tuned!
I will let you know about our Open House as soon as I get more information. Looks like September 15 is my turn to meet with you. Mark your calendars.
Until then - enjoy these last few days. Stay safe should the storm hit. See you soon.